To call or not?


Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2014
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Well over the past week every day ive had tightenings every 6 mins lasting around a min then they disappear after about 1/2 hours rather than progressing.
I keep. Getting reduced movements and panic that I don't feel him then try the tricks ie cold drink, laying on side etc and sometimes I will feel him kick but only once or twice. This is becoming a daily thing but I find some peace in knowing that I get him that once, but realistically it is reduced movements?
Do you's think I should call?
I feel like they just roll their eyes at me because I've been self referred with 2 bleeds (but lead to anti d injections but not much else) and then a suspected loss of waters, concerned they think I'm just being over cautious , feel like they don't listen to what I'm saying.
I know these people are great at their jobs, I'm just fed up of reading my notes and what they have written is in accurate , ie I went in with an uncontrollable loss of water, through my pants, pj bottoms and onto my sofa and still leaking whilst running to bathroom. Just threw on shorts to calm down my daughter before putting on a ps and had to change them too, and my notes read "self refferred with history of feeling damp"
Sorry for the rant ladies I'm just stuck on what to do!!
I believe you should call if that's what you want to do! And don't be afraid do speak up if you feel you are not being taken seriously!! Their job is to assess and advise not to judge you for 'wasting their time'. It is always best to be safe rather than sorry xx
Thanks Hun, I know they have loads of people calling with the same issues all the time, I don't know if they just think I'm young and don't know what I'm talking about or what is going on but they just don't seem to take me seriously.
Frustrating because it's making me not call when I believe I should, I spoke to my midwife at last appointment and said i had only been feeling him a handful of times and she gave me the "but you are feeling him" then if you feel less then 10 movements then call but she wasn't listening to me telling her I hadn't felt him in over 24 hours! Xx
I'd ring too, I got sent three times in one week by midwives and doctors and still felt a nuisance even though I had no choice in going. I think we all feel a burden to them, my new community midwife is my husbands bosses wife and she's really stressed to me about going with any worries some staff are always going to make you feel silly, with me it was the reception staff who I did end up complaining about and since their reception and waiting times procedure has changed since I spoke up xx
Yes call every day if need be. Don't worry about what anybody thinks. This is your child and it's their job to look after you. Hope all is ok. Sure it will be but do call. Xx
I think you should call too - your baby is the most important thing to you and if they roll their eyes then they aren't understanding at all! If your concerned that's what they are there for lovely - let us know how it goes. Lots of love x x x
Go in
Demand to be put on trace
They shouldnt have the same movements ie noticeable big kicks etc cos there is less room
But you should feel them active just as often x
Movements should never slow down. You should still feel the same movements and patterns right up till baby is born. I know some midwifes arnt sympathetic but you have to go with your instincts it's your body so you know best. I went in with my 1st son and they induced me in the end. It's better to settle your mind x
Thanks ladies, I feel terrible complaining because these people do a fantastic job, it's just frustrating me now. Been on all fours scrubbing the floor, cleaning the bathroom, bouncing on my ball. Laying in a dark quiet room now away to try some lunch and if no improvements in just going to phone, thanks you lot are the best!!

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