To buy or not to buy?


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2009
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My head is done in!! Do i buy a double buggy or not ( i have my eye on the icandy pear)

The thing is, we have the jeep to take the kids anywhere and apart from the school run and a quick visit to the shops i don't really go anywhere without OH or friends. We already have a silver cross 3D and a stroller for Jacob who will be nearly one when Lucas is born so if i go anywhere major there will be 2 buggies and 2+ people to push so i could have one in each pushchair.

My thoughts........ I was thinking that i could 'wear' Lucas for the school run, its only up the path and have Jacob in the stroller. If i go to the shops i could do the same. If i was to buy the mei tai baby hawk i could chop and change between which LO i wear as its so changable. So, i could have Lucas in the silver cross and carry Jacob on my back, front or hip. Do you ladies think this is doable?

It would save me a fortune!! All i would need to buy is the mei tai. I already have the car seat etc with the 3D, am a i crazy or could it work? xx
Yeah that is certainly do-able. c i would get a double buggy if it was me but thats because i dont drive and i have to walk jack to and from nursery and town everyday if you use the car most of the time and from what u have sed about ur situation it is a gd idea. xx
Could work.....I have the Pear but only because I had a freebie Apple that I converted. I can see me wearing Sid TBH. I've a Moby wrap and a ring sling to use and I love my singles loads more than the double!
Sounds like a good plan to me, I really dont know what Im going to do - Rosie will be almost 2 when baby arrives, Im guessing that she will still need the buggy so perhaps a sling would be a good addition. Will have to suck it and see I think. You have got it all covered Toonlass :)
Its certainly possible. I think Niamh was almost 5 months old when we started using the pushchair on a regular basis. I used a moby wrap. As she got a bit bigger and heavier i started to use the pushchair for longer shopping trips or if i knew i was going to try things on.
wait till baby comes see how you go with 2 sep. prams and then if you need a double buggy get it then... :D icandy pear is rather cool tho ;) xx
I think if you can manage without it, do it. Rather than spending so much money on a buggy you probably wouldn't even use for that long!

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