To all of you...

Anna Marie

Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2005
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.. who have been there for me these past 15 or so months I want to say that I have not disappeared just cos i am now a mum.. I just have a somewhat demanding little bundle of joy and cannot seem to find time to come online these days... I often wonder how you all are and hope that you are all doing well and that your LO's will soon be here with you.

I will try to catch up more soon... take care all of you and apologies again.. I do think of you all and wish i could chat more but being a mum is definitely a time consuming life change!!! However my little Lara Jane is a joy and even though she has put me through my paces and some these past 12 weeks I wouldn't change a thing..

Hi Anna Marie :wave: Glad you are enjoying being a Mummy. Time has flown by I bet Lara Jane has changed loads?! I shall hopefully be joining you very soon.....
Awww Dippy I was wondering how you are... hows your pregnancy been?? sorry I havent been there along the way much recently!!!

Hope you are feeling excited and are making the most of your free time and sleep!!!!! :shock:
Hey Anna Marie,
So lovely to see you!
Strange but true - I was only thinking about you last night and wondering where you'd got to!
Glad everything is good with you and Lara!
Sending hugs.
glad you are doing well hun,great to see you back :hug: xx
I didnt know you babes but congrats on the birth of little Lara, you should post a birth story when you get a spare bit of time!

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