Tmi post sorry :) x


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2010
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Hey Girlies. :whistle:
Just need some advice. For the past 14 days i have had creamy white discharge its not majorly thick but it is alot more than i normally get.
Its quite stringy and jellyfied.. SORRY TMI.
I first noticed it when me and my OH :bd: but i thought it was just me... enjoying myself. lol.
But it has gotten alot more. I have 2 days till my AF and am really confused as i have not got an infection/thrush etc. I have never had it before with my 3 previous pregnancys so i don't know weither it's due to me being up the duff or just something normal that is happening.
Any help would be grateful xx

Thank Youuuu xxx
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Is it like egg whites when you stretch it?

Yes It is a little bit like that.. it does stretch but not to much, its more gloopy and thick white if that makes sense. It does not have no smell or irritation to it. xxx
I had it last cycle and iddn't even get a hint of a BFP so i'm just going to putting to down to being a normal occurance.

I read that if you are having a lot of sex within a small space of time that there is a lot more bacteria and things that your vagina has to work hard to clean up and that can explain an increase in the amount of discharge.

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