TMI for the OH?


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2010
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Just wondering how everyone is with their OH while ttc?

Me and my OH are both desperate to get pregnant but weve only been trying 3 months and i have decided to track my OV and stuff but not tell him when it is because i dont want to put too much pressure on him to perform at certain times! Ive just been jumping on him at the right times!!

This must obv stress them out too and i think we maybe overlook that sometimes - well i know i do anyway! xx
yeh i know i never really thought about it until recently.. i suppose they feel as if there not doing it "right" when we dont get are bfp! x
I was exactly the same as you - I knew exactly when I was ovulating, etc, but didnt want hubby to think I was some kind of possessed woman! I just encouraged things, a lot (!), during a certain time of the month - poor sod, still has no clue, lol!

I think its the best way with men, especially mine - I just kinda drip feed him info as and when he needs it!

Good luck and lots of baby dust xx :dust:
yeah deffo lea! he does ask questions and i know he is as desperate as i am - if not more - but i dont want to put him off his stride so to speak!! x
My OH always keeps track of where I am in my cycle! Either he likes to be involved or he's a nosey wotsit!! ha ha ha :)


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