TMI - discharge


Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2011
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where the hell has it all come from??????
Throughout my pregnancy, I havent had it majorly, no need for pads or anything.
But bloody hell, since yesterday morning Im like a tap!
Its not plug I dont think as its either completely clear or white - exactly like the EWCM you look out for when ttc / ov

Pads coming out of my ears now .... can barely move off a chair or out of bed and I can feel it.
Ive always had some while being pregnant but its def increased recently, ive had to start wearing pantyliners. It panics me sometimes as it feels like having a period and i have to go to the loo to check. The joys! Lol x
I have had it on and off all pregnancy it's so glamorous eh?

it could be that your plug is due to shift and is pushing CM down the way :oooo: believe me you'll know if/when it's plug :sick: I started losing mine on Thursday and it's STILL coming! :roll:
Jayne ur plug must be massive :lol: I am not looking forward to losing mine I hate gooey stuff

Most of it is just small bits at a time. Some people don't lose it at all til active labour so you might not have "the pleasure" lol
it could be that your plug is due to shift and is pushing CM down the way :oooo: believe me you'll know if/when it's plug :sick: I started losing mine on Thursday and it's STILL coming! :roll:

OH did suggest this... Im wondering if baby has engaged slightly more as since sat/sun Ive had alot more pressure/pain in my lower bump so maybe its pushing stuff out.

keep seeing people say that there are images on google but there is no chance Im searching something like that. Ive heard what its supposed to look like (the colour of ur "smiley" face u used haha) so thats enough for me :lol:
omg Jo i was just about to post a thread about this as since yesterday evening i have been getting it really bad! Feeling constantly wet! So far it's just been clear. I was thinking it was my waters leaking! I've been getting terrible pressure pains for a while too, they make me jump out of my skin alot of the time! Last time i seen a mw she said he was engaged so am thinking the pains are definitely him engaging further.
it could be that your plug is due to shift and is pushing CM down the way :oooo: believe me you'll know if/when it's plug :sick: I started losing mine on Thursday and it's STILL coming! :roll:

What does CM stand for?
omg Jo i was just about to post a thread about this as since yesterday evening i have been getting it really bad! Feeling constantly wet! So far it's just been clear. I was thinking it was my waters leaking! I've been getting terrible pressure pains for a while too, they make me jump out of my skin alot of the time! Last time i seen a mw she said he was engaged so am thinking the pains are definitely him engaging further.

i thought it was my waters at first as well! really shocked/scared me!
Can I ask a really disgusting question and ask if it's normal for it to be yellow and snotty-like?

Lately I've noticed a major increase in discharge too, I can feel it running as well.. sometimes it's so bad I wonder if it's my waters trickling! :oooo: And It's not a nice sensation as it tickles :lol: Seriously though, It's disgusting! I don't have a washing machine at the moment so I've been giving my dirty laundry to my mother in law or my mum :shock: Just hope they don't look at my knickers because it's not a pretty sight.

have u been inserting the evening primrose? I havent used them for a couple of days but when I did I noticed my discharge was really yellow and creamy.... like the oil had congealed almost. Since Ive stopped using it its gone back to normal cm but is very jelly like
have u been inserting the evening primrose? I havent used them for a couple of days but when I did I noticed my discharge was really yellow and creamy.... like the oil had congealed almost. Since Ive stopped using it its gone back to normal cm but is very jelly like

How come you have stopped using them hun?
Yeah I've been inserting one every night before bed, I thought it could possibly be that!
I've stopped drinking the raspberry leaf tea because my midwife said it can cause more bleeding afterwards, I hated the taste of it anyway so I only drank about 3 cups :lol: yuck! xxx
only stopped cos tbh I cant insert it properly myself, cant reach far enough so I get OH to do it and OH wasnt feeling well one night and was out the second night lol
It is a bit of a stretch to be honest :oooo:
Well hopefully our babies come soon so we won't have to do all these silly things! xxx
TMI ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


To me it's like phlegm - when you've got a chest infection or really bad cold. That's the closest thing I can think of.
:puke: !!

Tbh I've had loads of discharge since being preg. I have to wear a sanitary towel every day! Grim.


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