**** TMI **** but advice needed!!! (gross too)


Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2008
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So I was getting ready for my BF coming over to say bye before he left for 10 days on holiday (and yes I am devestated) and I went to the toilet.... I had was seemed like a handful of clear goo.

It is definately not discharge though because that has been very milky and runny.

this was like jelly and made me sick when it was all over my hand... then cry because I didn't know what it was. I wanted to call the midwife but worried that I am over reacting about nothing!

Please, advise is needed... any idea what it was or anyone else experienced it?
Call the midwife hun! Even if it turns out to be nothing thats what they are there for and you shouldnt worry about wasting their time etc!!
Could be your plug! I notice on your ticker your not due any time soon so call them to check!! :hug: :hug: :hug:
Ive been having little bits of this for the last 3 days, my friend says her plug was like clear jelly so i would pressume its yours :) Phone the midwife to check, dont feel scared to call them, thats what they are there for!! Ive not phoned mine but only coz its been tiny bits of it every now & then & not one big lump... plus ive got a home visit today so im going to ask then. All will be fine, dont be upset. :)
I've had that and MW said it was "bits of my show". Your show can come out gradually.

First sight I had of it was last Wednesday.

Get it checked if you feel you need to though...

As the others have said....call the MW and get her opinion hun. Firstly it will put your mind at rest if it's nothing and secondly she'll let you know what to do if it is something.

Hope it's all ok for you

:hug: :hug:
have you checked with your midwife yet? i asked the one that came to my house & she said your plug is normally clear jelly & only has blood in it if it "hits" or knocks a blod vessel so i def reckon it was that. Dont panic though as ive just read )&she said you can loose your plug & still end up not having baby for 2 weeks!
Hope all is ok

just come back from the hospital... called the midwife who asked me to go the anti natel clinic at 4... i was there for 5 mins and explained what has been happening and I was straight up to labour ward.

Had a definate show but they said you can have it and then have another weeks later. Cervix still closed so just bed rest and monitoring.

I said that I felt like I was bothering them but they reasured me that I was so much better being checked today - swabs, urine and blood had to be sent because they did find problems...

Thanks for the replies x x x x
what probs did they find (if you dont mind me asking).... hope everything is ok other than having to rest!

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