Every 2-3 days I was told by my gp. They said not to get fixated on the right days. When I got pregnant I was two weeks further along than I thought! So my dates and ovulation were way off. I still dunno how I was so far off as I was using ovulation sticks. It was my husband that made me dtd one day I was sure I wasn’t ovulating. He said you never know!! It was the only time my husband is ever right lol
If you get a pos opk on cd13/14 then you could be ovulating on cd15 so if you can I'd add cd15. But every other day shd be fine. Good luck!
I know!! My midwife said was I sure when I had my last period as it was quite a difference lol I was tracking my cycles for 2.5 years ttc. I’d do it every other day xThat’s crazy! But glad he was right in that instance haha