Time to go :(


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2005
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Hey all well i just thought id say that i have thought about this and now i think its time for me to go as now frankie's 6 months and so far i have had the most brilliant advice and shared some good times on here with you all but i feel that i want to concentrate on my family and im sorry if that sounds bad in anyway (im to addicted to this site) and the o/h hates it! :roll: and to be honest i dont think that i have that greater input into things anyway but at the same time id like to think that i may have been of some help to you all and you have found me to be ok with. anyway im gonna dash before i get upset that im sitting here leaving the place and the people i like the most(asides my family that is) so goodbye to you all :wave: and take care of yourselves and your little 'uns and i'll still be about if you ever want to chat to me or anything on my msn its candy_minstrell@ hotmail.co.uk
Dont be silly, you dont have to leave because frankie is 6 months.

We dont want you to leave and I shall be very offended if you do :hug:
Awww flossy!

I'll be sad to see you go, you have given some great advice which I'm sure has helped lots of people.
Brody is 7 months and I'm not going anywhere :shakehead:
I hope you change your mind :(
hannah will be one next months and i don't plan on going anywhere please stay
awww flossy, you'll be missed if you go, but you can always pop back for advice any time you need it, i guess we'll all still be around!!!!!!!
Take care xxxxxxxxx
if i hadnt had Harley ild still be here lol and she is 16months old and ild still feel i have the right to be here, but i no what you mean about your OH, kris goes mad and threatens to smash my laptop :(
Flossy please don't leave us :cry:

Could you not just pop on from time to time to let us know how you are getting on? I understand about you wanting to spend more time with your family but surely fifteen minutes one night a week would be ok?? Would be really sad to see you go.

Take care hun xxxx
Dont go flossy, everyone is leaving :(

I do understand how you feel, i have the same problem really but have just decided to come on here a couple of times a week and its ok so far, although my DH dont like it either and almost seems to get jelious of the PC ?!

You will be missed

Sorry to see you go hopefully you will come on here every now and again.I used to be on here alot more but now that Kiara is older she takes up more of my day so i only come on when she is sleeping .
Take care.

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