Thought i should do an intro lol


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2008
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I got your PM thanks ever so much, made me feel all welcome haha lol.

I'm Chel-C :wave: (pronounced Chelsea, my mum likes to be different lol)

i'm 19 years old and proud young mummy to our first son Jerome James who is known as Romi, he turned 15 months last saturday, and i know it sounds cheesy but i honestly cant imagine being without him now. Me and my fiance Shaun 22 also found out we are expecting again *due* on the 29th July, we are unsure of the flavour just yet and still mid argument as to whether we want to find out lol. He does, i don't.

anyways, being almost 16 weeks puts me in here yay, lol. We STILL havent had a scan yet, due to major fudge ups at our hospital, and they have us booked in now for the 11th, so not long to go till we get to see out baby :)

we are praying for pink, just to make it even, however another blue bump would be equally welcomed with open arms.
Hey there,
congrats on ur bump and welcome to tri 2 :wave:
Welcome to 2nd tri :wave:

How come your only 16 weeks if you found out you were expecting again on 29th July? I found out I was pregnant at the beginning of Sept & Im almost 26 weeks, surely you should be around the 32 mark :think:
hi, sorry, i probs should have worded it better, we found out we were expecting again, due on the 29th July :D

sowee lol

congrats to you btw x
Welcome from me (agian)
17 week scan sounds exciting
i had one at 10 half weeks then agian at 16 weeks
the diffrence is amazing
you will see so much more and baby will be bigger and more baby looking with more details to go WOW at,, if you know what i mean
Enjoy your scan next week :hug:
huge thanks to both of you, we're just looking forward to seeing him/her for the first time lol.
Im looking forward to seeing my LO aswell, i haven't had my 12 week scan yet but i have it on valentines day.
We had a scan at 10 weeks due to bad pains, but it was a quick in and out and i was more about worry than anything else.

Bet you can't wait for yours.
if i didnt feel so sick all the time, i'd be boucing off walls lol, im just so happy to be in this position, we both are. although i cant help wondering how on earth im going to wait until 9 months lol
Hello :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave:

nice to meet you. I am nearly 14 weeks, due on 11th Aug.
Hello and welcome! Congrats on your LO!
I'm 25 weeks gone and am expecting a little girl on the 24th May.
I'm 20 - so we're similar in age :)
But you're more experienced than me as this is my first! Lol.
haha experienced lol, yeah right. I also kind of cheated as nurses technically looked after him for 5 months lol till he came home :) Thanks for the welcome too, x

i want a girl (gets mildly jealous lol)

I'm sneaking back in here - 3rd Tri is too scary!
Hello! :wave:

Congrats on your pregnancy, I hope you have a brilliant time here.

I'm still gtting sick too! :puke:

Alex xxx
oooh yay lots of people to say hi to :wave:
thanks for making me welcome!

Bee - i get scared in here haha i dont want to move up, its like going to a new school lol

Alex - we can be bathroom buddies lol, it's horrid isnt it!

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