Those of you who have had your scan...


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2011
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and found out the sex, Did you think you knew what sex you were having and then found out that you were wrong?

For some reason i'm convinced i'm having a girl. Keep referring to the baby as "she" and "her". I'm going to find out next week hopefully and am just intrigued as to whether other girls hunches were correct! xxx
I thought mine was a boy, and I showed OH a couple of days before we got our results the scan pic and where I thought our boy nub was, and I was right! :)
I so knew mine would be another boy, I already have 3 boys and it would have been nice to have a girl as this will be my last baby but I just knew he was a boy :) it just wasn't meant to be us having a girl but I'm still really looking forward to him and glad that he is healthy, that's the main thing :love:

Best of luck with your scan xxxxx
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I was convinced I was having another boy and i was completely wrong hunny.
I have noticed a big difference over the last few weeks in the way im carrying Missy, with Adam i was just bump but this time im bump with a bigger bum and thighs (comfirmed by OH) x x

I don't even know why i think that it's a girl, i've never had a baby before so how could i know??!!! lol. I can't wait to find out though!!
I was convinced I was having a boy in my first pregnancy, but actually had a girl. This time Im convinced its a boy haha. Although I know of 2 women that were told the wrong gender. The most recent gave birth a few weeks ago, was told she was having a girl and had pink everything bought including pram, so imagine her surprise when the 'girl' was actually a boy haha. I still plan on finding out tho at my 20 week scan xxx
I was worried about that, so i've had it confirmed by a consultant lol!!
My husband and I were also convinced we're having a girl (thanks to nub theory). Well we were very wrong!

Try not to get too used to the idea of having a girl hun xx
It's funny really how we become convinced that we know what we're having and we're normally completely wrong! xxx
i have two boys, we were totally convinced we where having another boy because ive never suffered from morning sickness. also my husband is 1 of 7 boys, at our 20 week scan we where told its a girl. we dint believe the woman. so we had a 4d scan as she is most definatly a girl x
with this baby i was so set on it being a girl.. but it was more of the fact people kept telling me it was a boy.. so my mind changed after a while and had the scan and it turned out it WAS infact a boy! lol :)
Everyone keeps telling me I'm having a boy. How do they know? My accupuncturist said it was the pulse in my right arm, which is apparently boy, my mum says she has a 'hunch', my inlaws said they were sure I would have a boy because of my personality (huh?). I have no idea, but my DH really really wants a girl! Only a week til i found out (fingers crossed)
i thought i was having a boy from day 1 and i was right. everyone close to me said boy, colleagues and others around me said girl. x
i was absolutely convinced my LO was a boy and i was totally wrong!! had boys names, was looking at boys things and referring to the baby as 'him' i was very shocked when she said girl!! no idea why i thought boy because i was more than happy with either!! be prepared for being wrong x
i was convinced i was having a girl as was sick same as with my DD i even dreamt loads of times that it was a girl and she weighed 7lb 9oz, ithe things i ate what i went off all same as dd.scan showed we were having a boy!! me and OH sat there looking at each other as if she'd told us we were having an alien we were shocked, never crossed my mind it could be a boy, daft i know, we burst out laughing after shock had gone.can remember sitting in hospital thinking of boys names but all we did was come up with funny daft ones.we have our name sorted and our heads round the fact that its a boy now xxx
with my first i always thought he was gna be a boy and everyone else said girl this time i had no idea what sex to expect, thought maybe girl as i was really sick this time but wasnt sure. x

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