this is why the nurse doubts im 5 weeks bump pic . . .

its painful because around ovulation because my ovaries become so swolen because they are go into i think its called hyper ovulation they are really tender and because of my cysts the hormonal changes clash a little and i get all the cramping feelings i have to be careful tho coz if i get it too bad i could have serious health problems and the ovaries can swell up with liquid ect . .. but i have en extreamly mild case and just get more eggs thank god thats why i was so shocked when no body was doing anything for me when i was in pain. Its basically like taking a load of fertility drugs every month but i dont have to its already there just got to make sure my body doesnt overdose itself lol! i hope that made some kind of sence haha :rotfl: its hard to put it into words haha x x x
I agree you've obviously asked the right questions but am still a bit confused as to how it would be so co
painful if not on your ovaries :)
google it :rotfl: im sure there is somthing on there it normally occours when people are on fertility drugs but i dont have them its just a pain in the ass for me. You know what i mean about the pain now right?
All a bit technical for me and my simple brain :lol:
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dont worry its too technical for me too hahaha!!! i just nodded allot and said yep um hum yep um hum lol but after nearly 5 months of docs prodding me some of it must have gone in hahahaha!!! sex sex sex and see if anything happens hahahaha x x x
I was almost as big when i was about 5 weeks, think i have a picture on the laptop somewhere. Ive had 3 scans so far and only 1 baby for us lol
ahhhh thats good news :) i wouldnt mind 2 but i already have two haha!! i just woyuldnt want any more than two more lol!! i would be - help!!!!! :shock: but i suppose i would get on with it as i normally do :) i have to keep reminding myself i pulled a muscle and im prone to swell anyway just all the medical people and bloody husband i talk to keep talking about multiples lol grrrr people lol i know i have to prepare myslef but i think it will only be one :cloud9:
I'm abit like this too :eh:

How are the cysts on your cervix causing you to hyperovulate?
Hi Evie looking good!! DEFO triplets lol
Just to say that i always know when i'm ovulating as i have period type pains - always have and have no fertility probs - thought everybody did - but maybe not!
i really dont understand this at all...maybe im just blonde....

i have cysts on my one and only remaining ovary (left side) i got the right side ovary and part of fallopion tube removed in sept 07

the cysts still cause me pain and they have lazered them....why are they not using lazer treatment on you evie if they are causing you so much pain? and why are they not giving you smear tests? (previous thread)

i was always told ...after you have children you get smears done, no matter how old you are.... or is this just down to scottish NHS?


(im a lil drunk)
:shock: call the church, the next messiahs are on their way in 2010!!

ema, you've got to be 25 for a smear here, even if you've had babies!!
they said i have to be 26 here so they just took swobs a bit back but wouldnt smear. They wont lazer them automatically they said if they cause me too much hasstle they woudnt think twice about it but they only hurt now and then and its not the cycts that cause me the pain as much its when i ovulate i get cramps and twists not my cycsts it just doesnt help so they prob adding to it, but 15 mins here and there once a month isnt enough to get me to have any lazer or anything down there haha!!
The cysts on my cervix dont cause me to hyper ovulate its two dif things basically i had the ovulationg thing and the cysts most prob developed afterwards i have a long line of tractional twins and tripplets in my mums side of the family so most of my family produce more than one egg its heriditory im just unlucky enough to have cysts which arent really an uncommon thing lol x
Hi Evie looking good!! DEFO triplets lol
Just to say that i always know when i'm ovulating as i have period type pains - always have and have no fertility probs - thought everybody did - but maybe not!

yer i thought everyone did to a certain degree as well lol!! ov not! lol my mum feels it every month and my auntie and cousin donnna (aunties daughter) and my mum has a few cysts too and she had three kids :) x it skips every generation so im next in line after gran and great great gran and great auntie moureen :) x x x
I think ovulation pains are quite common but I thought that was just pain from your ovary when it was about to release an egg rather than actually as it was released (so one would feel the same as 3)... but obviously I was wrong (as usual :lol:)

How are you feeling today Evie? x

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