this is implantation bleeding, right?


Jun 25, 2012
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Sunday afternoon I wiped and there was light pink on the toilet paper.
Monday, still light pink.
Monday afternoon, healthy red on toilet paper.
Monday evening, healthy red calmed itself.
Today, just a smidge of red.
Last period June 4th.
Next is due July 2nd.
Ovulation was June 17-18.
Average 28 day cycles, these days.
And I had unprotected intercourse 4 days leading up to ovulation, the day off, and 2 days after.
Have experienced slight cramps, not bad breast tenderness, ravenous appetite, nausea a couple times a day, this bleeding, constant peeing, extremely fatigued....
Everything sounds promising.
I just have never experienced implantation bleeding like this before.
Was always gross and old during my last pregnancies.
Implantation bleeding in my experience has been small flecks of browny red in the cm.
Everyone is different but I don't know if it goes on for days or if there is a lot of it???
Remember the size of the egg that is implanting, it's the size of a full stop so wouldn't disturb a large amount of womb lining.
Good luck x
with extensive research online, I have read many posts about implantation bleeding lasting for more then a day, or two, or three and being different colors.
all posts are dated back a few years.
so I am hoping someone here can clue me in.
If its lasting 2 or 3 days is it IB or is it that those ladies are actually having a small bleed when their af would be due?? I know lots continue to have a small bleed throughout pregnancy when af would be due???
Remind me what af means?
I am new to the abbreviations.
All I that my period isn't due for another week and a half.
AF isn't due till July 4th.
And all spotting on toilet paper has ended and this is day 2 and a half of it.
I am really thinking that was IB!

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