This is driving me crazy!


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2008
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I've taken a sickie today, as I have a headache, nausea and I'm sooo tired. I can't stop peeing (I'm going every hour and only usually go about every 3 hours). In fact, I've just been 10 minutes ago and I want to go again! And about every half hour, I can feel something running out of me and have to run to the bathroom, as I'm convinced it's AF, but there's nothing there, only a bit of watery CM. This didn't happen on my last 2 cycles. I should come on tonight or tomorrow. I'm getting impatient now! :x I've already taken 2 paracetamol and I'm scared to take anymore. And I feel bad cos I've drank a cup of tea, but I thought the bit of caffeine might help with the headache. :(
Sounds like early pg symptons to me hun :hug: :hug:

Have you taken a test? Worth it if AF is due :hug: :hug:
I've been testing since wednesday, but today I was a bit confused about my test today (see my other post)
Thanks guys. I don't usually need the loo more when I'm due on. I haven't had stomach ache so far today. I had it yesterday and Sat night. And my stomach isn't bloated like it should be if I was due on. I don't want to get too excited though.
I just thought, I hope I don't have a water infection with my wee being orange this morning and yesterday morning and going frequently. Would it sting or something if I did have?

Can you pee more in your 2 weeks wait? I thought that came afterwards?
Cori i had a bad urine infection that started in my 2ww and i put all those symptoms down to pregnancy - ouch :doh: if you think theres a possibilty go with a urine sample to your doctors as you can get more infections while pregnant than ever before, and no it didnt feel like cystitis it felt like seering hot torso pain down one side, I also eventually started passing blood and sand and then it was painful at the end of a wee and int he end I had really bad bladder spasms. Now i am a cranberry juice addict!
infact i'd recommend everyone have cranberry in their 2 ww just incase.
Ooh, that sounds painful. I haven't been to the loo for a couple of hours now, so hopefully it's wearing off. I don't have those pains you describe either. Still no AF :D Last month i think I came on 13 and a half days after I ovulated, so if it's the same this month, I should come on tonight.

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