This is all new to me... few questions!


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2006
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we have just started TTC, well about 10 days ago actually! just wondering... my cylce is about 31-33 days. did people find it easty to work out their fertile days and did you time it correctly? i think i have it right... im not sure how long it will take us to get pregnant. any tips from anyone? when will i start to feel symptons? good luck to everyone out there TTC and already pregnant. xx
Hi Laura,

Welcome to the forum hun!

As far as knowig when you Ovulate, if you want to be sure the Ovulation Test kits are your best bet (you can buy them from most supermarkets and pharmacies or they are even cheaper from e-bay), they indicate when you are at you most fertile that way you know exactly when to start Baby dancing!

Wishing you loads of luck hun, hope you get your BFP soon!

Throwing you BABY DUST!!!!!!

Tam x
Hi Laura

Welcome to the forum :clap:

Good luck - you'll find loads of useful info on here. Get yourself some ovulation tests (OPKs) and also get a ticker in your signature so I can be nosy and see where you are in your cycle!

I don't have any specific advice - just check back on some of the old threads. The 'magic medicine' one is quite popular at the moment.

Alice x
where can i get a ticker and what is BFP and BD? x

Hi laura if you go to the above link it will give you a list of the abbreviations.

I also have a 33-35 day cycle when i started ttc i bought the book that is advertised at the top of the forum, taking charge of your fertility. it talks about how to monitor your cervical mucus (CM) and also you can take your temps every morning which gives you an idea when you have ovulated, and as the girls have suggested using ovulation predictor kits tell you when you are due to ovulate. If you read back at some of the previous threads i swear you will learn so much about TTC.

Its a real informative forum and everyone is so nice and helpful. Hope you enjoy TTC and get your BFP(big fat positive!!) very soon. xx
Hi Laura

To get a ticker, just click on mine. It should take you to a link to the website - I think mine is Make the ticker and then cut and paste the code into your signature.

Good luck!
Pain in backside those tickers sometimes :wink:

Copy & paste the text below into your profile when you have done that before pressing submit to update your profile delete the two * marks.



Good luck TTC'ing, some women chart & use OPKs or both. If you decide to use OPKs this chart may help you:


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