This head engaging business


Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2007
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If your baby's head is engaged does it mean labour is imminent?

I'm really confused by it all. I am apparently 3/5ths engaged according to my notes does this mean then I could have him any day?

Or does it really make no difference?
well I think he is in the right place but it doesnt mean labour is imminant. Some babies dont engage until you're in full blown labour. My cousins gf's baby decided to dis-engage in the mniddle of labour after about 15 hours :lol:
Tillytots said:
well I think he is in the right place but it doesnt mean labour is imminant. Some babies dont engage until you're in full blown labour. My cousins gf's baby decided to dis-engage in the mniddle of labour after about 15 hours :lol:

:shock: Oooh nooo

I don't understand it all myself. I thought I did until I was just telling my Mum about it and she asked me to explain what it meant - I couldn't explain it to her :rotfl:
i was wondering this today aswell. I know people can go into labour without the head being fully engaged (or not engaged at all)....
but if the head IS fully engaged does that mean you will definitely go into labour soon or can it stay fully engaged for weeks?
Usually the second doesn't engage until labour, about a week after dot engaged I went into labour.

Hurry up and pop anyway I want you over in the babies area :dance:
Babylicious said:
Usually the second doesn't engage until labour, about a week after dot engaged I went into labour.

Hurry up and pop anyway I want you over in the babies area :dance:

:shock: I can't wait to be in babies area. Just scared about the labour
I think the head can engage weeks before labour, and second babies can pop in and out of the pelvis. I don't think it can tell you much, especially with second babies.

Mine was 1/5 engaged two weeks ago, a week earlier than James started to engage :D
you'll be fine, I was mega worried and it wasn't half as bad as I expected.
My baby's head has been engaged for the last 3 weeks and I am still here and getting more and more terrified about labour and birth.

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