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Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2006
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ive just read lauras thread at the top of the forum home page.

It saddens me to think of losing members and i hope that we can all stay together. I hope no one leaves this forum. :(
This forum has been of great support to me - ive made lots of friends and had a lot of laughs. Im sure others think the same.

I for one am loyal to this forum and im not going anywhere. Who will stand with me and say the same!
right beside u hunny :D

totally agree with everything u just said :cheer:
I'm with you too!!

I really enjoy coming on here, everyone is really lovely and its nice to have a laugh and also if your worried about things to talk about it with other people who are going through the same things.

Everyone has alays helped if there is problem and I think that its realy nice to have somewhere to come to.

I hope no one else goes and leaves us!!!
wafflings good. i like waffling too. :D and listening to waffle :rotfl:
I am going nowhere, I am a memeber of other forums but none of them get my attention like this one does

Infact i don't think i have evn posted on some of them :rotfl:
Ive never been on any others let alone posted on them. Thisis the first one I found and Im sticking to it!

ok dont all think im weird, but when i cant sleep which is most nights all i can think about is this forum and people on it, i think it took me awhile to get into posting etc but now i all i think about is what can i post about, and i know the people on this forum nearly always answer ur posts, cos i must admit at the beginning i thought no one was answering my posts, but now i look forward to see answers and of course i think what is budge going to post this time :wink:

Great forum :cheer:
why is the site loosing members? hadn't noticed anything it's been pretty busy on this part of the forum lately. I havn't been a member long but the only way u'll lose me is if i lose the internet...then i'll just go my mums and use hers lol!
I don't know what went on but I am kinda sad to think that someone would be hurtful towrds anyone on here. I don't think Laura would have to take such drastic measures to try and keep the peace if it was something small. I love this forum and I ain't going anywhere :D
im with you hun and i for 1 am staying put :D xxx
Yep I agree Budge!!

I do admit I have checked out other forums before when I have been at a loose end and its been quiet on here, but NOTHING compares to this one for sure!!

We all get on so well, everyone is proper top here and likes a good laugh. My OH says im addicted to this forum and yes, I suppose I am. Thats prob the biggest compliment ever though if it can hold my attention (I have a poor attention span sometimes lol)

From now on I have decided that this is where im going to stay and in recent light of what has happened im definately not going anywhere.

This is like a family to me of big and little sisters and I dont want that family to break up :(
I love this forum and all of you my cyber friends! I don't know what I'd do without you now :hug:
I have found this place a really supportive and loving place to come and you've often helped to allay my fears and made me laugh when I needed it most. I cant see me going anywhere although I do visit another forum but thats a forum I've been a member of for quite some time due to my arthritis and lets face it you'd rather I moaned to them than to you lot :wink:

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