Third degree tear healing TMI


Well-Known Member
May 15, 2013
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I had a third degree tear with my son 12 weeks ago now. It was a 3b tear. It seems to have healed fairly well but when I go to the loo it takes me a while and hurts (TMI). I was just wondering if anyone else had any experience of a third degree tear and how long it took to feel normal again! I haven't even attempted sex yet!

I am having tests in December to determine how well the muscles work and should know then what type of birth they will recommended for me next time!
I had a 2nd degree tear and 4.5 months on and sex still doesn't feel right and is a bit sore. Has put me off for a while...
It can be a muscle, I had this and according to the physio I had muscle trauma so it just tensed up like a ball inside and because I couldn't really relax the muscles the pressure on it hurts too.. especially with sex, wee ect.. It can all have effect on wearing tampons (I can only recently wear tampons again 2 years post birth!), wee'ing, sex ect.. You should also get a referral to go see a gynaecologist too who will check everything is healed well. The advice is 6 weeks no sex and if there's still anything coming out condoms are your friend preventing possible infection. I think I was 4-5 weeks but I'm a nypho so I didn't really care tbh.. but apparently the risk to prolapse is quite big.. Best is to try and get the physio slightly moved forward.. I understand they probably give you such a long time to wait too to make sure it's healed proper but I remember having to wait so long (seen gynea at 3/4 month pp) just made me worry while all it was, was a ball of traumatised muscle in my vagina..
I had a third degree tear with my little boy but this was only 5 weeks ago so still a short feeling pretty ok but still feel down there things aren't 100% not sure if thats the nerves down there finally starting to heal but it definitely doesnt have that kinda tight numbish feeling now. Attempted to dtd other night but felt alittle uncomfortable and tender still like a slightly bruised feeling. Early days for me I know! You will get there if u feel its not healing as quick maybe get it looked at even just to put your mind at rest that things are healing ok xx

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