thinking about baby in my tummy


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2011
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hey all.

I've been thinking a lot lately and its really strange that theres an actual baby in my tummy atm. It blows my mind slightly, doesn't really seem real. Don't think it will really sink in till i start seeing footprints in my stomach or something tho. I just think its really amazing that we can somehow magic a new person to life!
I agree hun. All the technology and things we can make these days, but nothing beats the oldest natural thing of them all - making a new person! :) xx
I've been feeling exactly the same. Its just so strange. It gets a bit more real around the 12 week mark when you get your scan and start getting a bump!

I can see my tummy moving from time to time and feel my baby moving all the time. Plus I have a massive bump now, but somehow it's still not real! I don't think it will be until the baby arrives!
With my first it didn't kick in untill i was in labour and they turned on the wee incubator and coz it was night time it lit up really bright in the corner of the room and they were putting wee blankets and stuff down and i was like omg omg thats for a baby - omg im gona have a baby...and it was so so surreal.
I still think its really weird now! I have my 4D scan in half an hour...feel scared it now feels so real! xxx
Can't wait to see your pics Shauna, it will be an amazing experience xx
think it hit my hubby last night when i was getting changed and asked him if he thought i had a bump yet. he waqs like OMG that tummys definately baby shaped now! then we both got freaked out that maybe it could be twins as i'm showing already. Didn't think you were meant to start showing till 3-4 months with your first.
I think in general when its your first you start showing around 11/12 weeks, some people do start showing earlier though.
It won't hit me until I have him in my arms..
Even buying all the gear we need, I know it's for our baby but it just doesn't seem real haha...

I started showing quite early on because I'm quite slim (put on a bit of weight since hehe).. It's fascinating to see the change..weekly photos are a must!
weekly shots are definately a must. As well as monthly photos of baby. I never did that with my little girl but wish I had.

Hiya, I agree! It really is amazing, this is my second baby, when I was pregnant with my son it only become real when I saw him on his first scan at 6 weeks! He was the tinyest dot! After that I just enjoyed as much as I could, I was so amazing that I was carrying a tiny little beany in my tummy! Well.... I'm doing it all over again... and i'm just as amazed the 2nd time around :D

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