think the witch is coming early!!


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2010
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i am now 5 or 6 dpo and i have really low cramps which is going to top of legs too! i get this before my period so that prob means i'm away to start early this month?? not due til 7th feb! not happy girl today...:shakehead:xx
:hug: I hope it's not. Are your cycles usually regular?
yes very! always 29/30 days. thats why i'm so hacked off! its so annoying...cramps are really sore too, but had nausea last night. cramps are in lower backs/hips too..xx
well my cramps have completely gone, after lasting about 5 hrs...they eventually went into my lower back too...and was nauseous..

got up this morning and feel fine! SO NOW WONDERIN WHAT IT WAS ALL ABOUT?! i hope its not my :witch:

lots of :dust::dust:to everyone xxx
eeeeeeeee!!! sounds like implantation!!!!! i had this the month just gone!!!! i even through i ha my af as i started spotting!!!!! eeeeeeeekkkkk!!! im so excited for you i have my fingers crossed i even felt nausous when it happened but i thought that was because of the cramping type pains coz i get like that around af anyway my fingers, toes, eyes, legs and arms are crossed for you!! x x x x x x x
thanks evie...i hope so too..also had stitch in side while i was crampin tho so thats what was putting me off thinkin it could be implantation,,,but also just burst into tears at absolutely nothin! even tho i do get moody round af i dont usually cry..x
all sounding really promising - i know what you mean tho i pulled my stomach out really bad last month and it keeps repeating on me evertime i think it has healed i lay funny or stand up from sitting too quick and it pulls back out again so i was still thinking the same as you too!! i have fingers crossed - dont get too excited but you never know x x x
hi...well have just woken up after couple hrs extra shattered all of a sudden too so i'm hopin that another symptom!! and cant decide what to eat have made three different things i thought i fancied but didnt want any of them when it was made! thanks for keepin ur fingers crossed! will keep u informed! xx
Fingers crossed for you, hope you get your BFP soon

Donna xx
thanks donna

i def am having some sort of different symptoms thats for sure,,,i have spent all evening in DH cant say or do anythin right without me bursting into tears...i never get that teary before a period..

also had tingly bb's earlier...x whats your situation..if u dont mind me askin\' am new to the forum and havent caught up to speed on everybody yet! xx
aaaw hun what about some chocs and a happy film (not so happy that it makes you cry tho) lol!! I love my o/h when I cry, he just hugs and says nothing - just the way I like it. Big hugs for you xx
thanku! well he's nipped out just now so have feelin he'll be back wi chocs to cheer me up! he is quite good too but asnt it funny how u pray to get prego then start worryin when u think u are?? we'll be delighted if i get a :bfp:this month but its soooo scary !! anyways :dust::dust::dust:to everyone who's :ttc: xx will keep u updated.. if this is the :witch: playing tricks wi me i wont be a happy bunny!1 xx
omg i got so excited then when i seen :bfp: !!!!!!! im such a donut nearly skipped to the end to congradulate - will teach me to read properly haha!! x x
hehehe!! well here's my update...woke up this morning wi bloody nose (no DH hadn't whacked me one..even tho he prob felt like it after yesterdays moodiness!!)..., and for last 3 nights have really vivid dreams, so vived and when woke up took me few mins to realise they were dreams, weird!

don't know if any of this has anything to do wi pregnancy but thought i'd ask you experts! dont feel any different today, so even tho was feeling pregnant yest, today just fell normal! Aaargh! and still another week to go, only 7dpo! x
im not sure about the nose bleeds but i now pregnant women say that can have vivid and strange dreams but i dont know how much related to pregnancy it is - i still have my fingers very much crossed :D
thanks evie...only thing i really feelin today is still the crying thing...and temper! i do get a bit of pmt but never like this and usually just day before,,so heres hopin eh. xx

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