Think I've lost my plug...

Don't worry it will stop soon :hug:
I never had a show (that I'm aware of!) with the girls..
Thanks ladies, just took me by surprise lol! It's full of surprises this pregnancy milarky lol!!

Wouldn't change it though and my hairs now tamed so BRING IT ON haha xx

Sent from my nearly buggared iPhone!!
Dead excited for you. I can't wait til I'm in labour. Obviously not yet though :lol:
Thank you! Eeeeek! Got some backache now....not sure if it means anything as doesn't feel like it's contracting....more continual backache!

Trying not to get my hopes up too much :) xx

Sent from my nearly buggared iPhone!!
loving the updates!! glad you are all ready too come on baby!!! xxx
I had back ache when losing my plug and went in late that night good luck x
Backache can be a sign of things moving along!! Hopefully not too long now!!
Hope its not a long wait hun! How exciting :-)
Oooow thanks girlies, im soo ready to meet our bubba now! :) wonder what it is and what they look like!

The suspense is killing me lol

Still got back ache :) :) xxx

Sent from my nearly buggared iPhone!!
Oooh your team yellow!!! Even more exciting!!!
What do you think it will be?
Eeeeee! Everyone thinks a girlie but I'm just not sure?!! The closer it gets the harder it is not knowing! I can't wait!! Xxx

Sent from my nearly buggared iPhone!!
U must be sooooo excited to find out now!!!
Do you have your names chosen yet? They usually say the gender u struggle with is the gender you get typically lol!
Ha funnily enough we've had girls name for ages....Freya Elizabeth (Elizabeth after my mummy who is no longer with us).....we just can't agree on a boys for middle name after OHs dad, but can't agree on Zak, Alfie, Joshua (OHs fav) or Riley (my fav) we'll prob have a boy with no name lol! Surname is Lambert! Open to suggestions?! :)

Well nothing much more happening....still got backache and still losing bits of plug!! Xx

Sent from my nearly buggared iPhone!!
Quite possibly a boy then! Lol
But at least u have a few names to choose from :) I actually love them all! We have no girls name so I'm assuming this one is a girl.. Had same prob with the girls but we found out at 20w so had the time to focus on just the girls name.. We've had our boys name from the start :)
Freya is a lovely name, my friend named her daughter freya :)
My fav is Joshua tho :) hmm I do like Riley too... Tricky one!! You'll know when u look at ur LO :)

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