Think Im going mad!!


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2006
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I thought I might be pregnant last month, missed my period other than a small amount of very pink spotting, had very sore boobs, nausia and occasional sickness, sudden dislike to certain smells which normally dont bother me, my boobs seemed bigger and veins on my boobs and thighs seemed more pronounced but all tests were bfn! Doctors did a test which was bfn but wouldnt do a blood test, then two days before my last period was due I started spotting the day before my period was due it got abit heavier and on the day of my period was just a bit lighter then my normal period but with quite a few clots (sorry tmi :oops: ) which lasted like that a couple of days and stopped, at the time I assumed it was just my period but now I cant stop thinking about how it wasnt like a normal period! My boobs stopped hurting completly when I stopped bleeding which was odd after a month of them hurting non stop!
I still keep feeling sick not as much as before but am still sensitive to smells, and have woken up the last three days with a odd metalic taste in my mouth, Im shattered all the time, and my trousers have gotten tight, which I thought was just me getting fat but my rings are falling off so must have lost weight on my fingers which is really wierd! Not knowing last month was awful having all these symptoms and feeling really sick all the time not knowing why, I would have liked to have been pregnant but was pleased just to know one way or another when my period came, but as the days have gone on and im still feeling sick etc, I cant stop wondering again whats going on! I have a scan booked next month (because of pains I have been having for last year but not had any really for last couple of months) which im hoping might give me some answers! I think apart of me cant give up the hope that I might be pregnant even though the rational part of me knows Im not!

Sorry for going on so much and welldone if you've managed to get this far without dying of boredom!
I keep convincing myself I am pregnant even though I have had a period and my temps have dropped back down. I keep testing at random points during the month even though I know I'm not. I think it is just thinking about it all the time. for the past couple of days I have been feeling sick whenever I smell traffic fumes, and my boobs are sore (but thats probably because I keep poking them to see if they are more tender :)

I hope you get some answers with the scan - all the waiting it just horrible.
Thanks andreag, im not ttc although I would like to now but OH isnt ready. Before I missed my period and started having these symptoms getting pregnant couldnt have been further from my mind, but once I thought I might be pregnant I started to want to be, which may be why Im still thinking im having symptoms now I dont know, still doesnt explain why I had the symptoms in the first place! Feel like ive done nothing but wait recently, first when my period didnt come and test was negative doc said wait a week and test again, again negative so went to see doctor, he said wait two weeks and test again then come back, I did that and doctor took blood tests for other causes and sent a urine sample for testing which I had to wait for blood tests all normal another week wait and got BFN on urine test and my period so now waiting for scan to look into what could be effecting my hormones, I hate waiting Im not a patient person!!! :wall:
can you not go back to the docs and tell them how you are feeling and request a blood test? it does happen that people still bleed through their pg but i know exactly what you mean by the whole things about your mind playing tricks. i kept telling myself last month that i was just imagining all my symptoms and i wasnt pg and then got my BFP. if you cant go back to the docs then its good that you have a scan booked but you prob want some answer before then as to how your feeling, sorry not been of much help! :wall:
Emma22 said:
can you not go back to the docs and tell them how you are feeling and request a blood test? it does happen that people still bleed through their pg but i know exactly what you mean by the whole things about your mind playing tricks. i kept telling myself last month that i was just imagining all my symptoms and i wasnt pg and then got my BFP. if you cant go back to the docs then its good that you have a scan booked but you prob want some answer before then as to how your feeling, sorry not been of much help! :wall:

Thanks Emma22 I was ment to go back to the doctors when all the test results came back which they did early last week, my car has been broken but is fixed now so I am going to try and get to the doctors before the end of the week if I can. It was the blood clots that made me sure at the time I wasnt pregnant I know they are not a good sign in pregnancy but my period heavy as normal, it would actually be my 3rd period in a row that wasnt normal, the first was just two days long and light, I tested after and it was bfn so thought no more about it, the next month was only spotting and the symptoms started and still bfn which was when I started seeing doctor and this period just gone was heavier then others but still not normal to how they were before! If my boobs hadnt have stoped hurting I might have gone back to doctors sooner, but thinking about it would the tenderness sease abit in the second trimester as if I did get pregnant before my first unnormal period I would be past 12 weeks I think but then the tests would be possitive, im just clutching at straws here! :wall: Think i'll book that doctors appointment!

Hope everything works out for you must be real frusterating.
:hug: Katrina
Thanks! I think im making it worse on myself, I had pretty accepted I wasnt pregnant when I got my period even though it wasnt quite like usual and now I think Im just thinking about it too much! :wall: Tried to book an appointment with my doctor and the one I have been seeing is away for two weeks so Im probably going to have to see the one I dont like very much! :evil: Have to call up on the day to book it as they only have the ones they have to release on the day left!

Roll on octobe 18th so I can finally have my scan!
PyscoFalcon said:
Hope you find out what's going on soon.

Thanks! Couldnt go to doctors today so hoping I can go tomorrow! Did another test last night, I dont know why its pretty obvious now im not pregnant! It was BFN as expected!
im sorry hun :hug:
try and get along to the docs tomorrow and let us know how it goes. i know it seems like a long way off but its good that you have got the scan booked and if the docs cant give you any answers then hopefully the scan can and youll be a bit further forward with things. :hug:
Emma22 said:
im sorry hun :hug:
try and get along to the docs tomorrow and let us know how it goes. i know it seems like a long way off but its good that you have got the scan booked and if the docs cant give you any answers then hopefully the scan can and youll be a bit further forward with things. :hug:

Thanks, I have to wait until car is taxed to be able to go to doctors, so am hoping my replacement insurance certificate will be through tonight so I can tax it and get to the doctors tomorrow! Will let you know how it goes although I dont think theres alot more doctors can do until scan now. T
his may sound odd but does your abdomen feel different then before to touch now your pregnant? My lower abdomen has felt harder than normal to me for weeks, but my doctor felt it last time I went and said it feels normal, its not noticably harder when im lay down more when Im stood up but I guess as doctor said it feels normal it could just be in my head! :roll:
Booked an appointment with the doctors today, when I got there they told me there had been a cock up with appointment times and they could book me in for 4.30pm today, which I have been told by work I have to cancel as they need me here, Im not going to be able to book an appointment for tomorrow as we're too busy then too and next week we are two staff down so I probably wont be able to go then!!! :evil: I was ment to go back begining of last week! I work for my partners family and its my partner who's said I have to cancel it so theres nothing I can do, you'd think being my partner my needing to go to the doctors would come first! :wall:
Sorry about the appointments penstraze, do you have to wait till next month now?

It sounds like you wanted this very much and I understand completely, sometimes I got irrational too even though I knew I wasn't pregnant. Your symptoms still remain a mystery though... Have they eased a bit or do u still have them?

Good luck with everything hun

Andrianne said:
Sorry about the appointments penstraze, do you have to wait till next month now?

It sounds like you wanted this very much and I understand completely, sometimes I got irrational too even though I knew I wasn't pregnant. Your symptoms still remain a mystery though... Have they eased a bit or do u still have them?

Good luck with everything hun


Hi Andrianne, I have booked an appointment for monday morning, as its early it shouldnt take too much time out of work.
I would like to be pregnant, but money wise timing isnt right and OH isnt really ready for children just yet, mainly I feel like im going mad at the moment my OH has lost interest and I think he thinks I am exagerating how im feeling he doesnt even ask anymore!!!

I am still feeling sick on and off, mainly triggered by certain smells, ones which havent bothered me before all this, I have woken up most mornings this week with a horrible metalic taste in my mouth, and im still having alot of headaches and tired all the time, my boobs arnt as sore now as they were, they were really sensitive and sore for a whole month but now then are just abit sore occasionally, I have had bad skin for the last couple of months when usually it only get bad like this just before AF I gained weight last month even though I wasnt eating much because I constantly felt sick and have a bit of a tummy when normally its flat, after I had the bleed around the time my period should be and negative test result from doctors, I thought right your definately not pregnant which means ur just getting fat so I have been dieting since I have been really good but havent lost even a pound but usually the weight falls off, and my ring is getting looser and looser on my finger but my trousers are getting tighter!
Its the symptoms that are driving me mad, because everytime I think right all these tests are negative ur not pregnant I have a really strong pregnancy symptom, like I spend all day being sick, or notice that I have a dark line of hair to my belly button now which wasnt there before and my doctor asked me if I had first time I went cause its a sign of pregnancy! I have been told other PCOS could be causing some of the symptoms, a friend of mine has this and it first showed as pregnancy type symptoms so I guess I just have to wait and see what the scan shows up and if the doctor can suggest anything next week, last time I went I was told to act like I was pregnant, in regards to what I eat, drink and what painkillers I take so I need to at least be told I can stop doing this now!
Sorry for such a long reply! :roll:
Penstraze, I certainly feel for you :hug:

It sounds like you have a lot of symtons so it must be hard to try and put it to the back of your mind. I hope your doc appointment helps x
Doctors appointment was a waste of time, the doctor I normally see said she knows its difficult for me to get time off work to go but she wanted me come back when all test results were back to see what to do next, but couldnt get there week results were back and she away for two weeks now so had to see someone else and had to explain everything again and she was really blunt and just said your obviously not pregnant if all the tests are negative, theres no point me doing anything just wait until your scan and come back and see the doctor you normally see!
So just wait for scan now! She did say something odd, about there obviously was something going on but as your boobs are not sore like they were and you had some bleeding I would say your not pregnant now, no point dwelling on it you have to look forward or something like that then just looked at me waiting for me to leave! Was she trying to imply Id had a miscarage? Im confused!
It took us just over a year to conceive started trying Dec 2004 got pregnant in Jan 2006, but the months leading up to actually getting pregnant I was showing 'pregnant signs' even though I wasn't... I really really beleive its just your body preparing itself for the task in somehow knows whats going to be happening to it!!!! I thought I was mad too and its so heartbreaking doing a blooming pregnancy test and it being negative, my OH banned me from doing them cause i got so upset when it was negative! Lots of Hugs
luce1 said:
It took us just over a year to conceive started trying Dec 2004 got pregnant in Jan 2006, but the months leading up to actually getting pregnant I was showing 'pregnant signs' even though I wasn't... I really really beleive its just your body preparing itself for the task in somehow knows whats going to be happening to it!!!! I thought I was mad too and its so heartbreaking doing a blooming pregnancy test and it being negative, my OH banned me from doing them cause i got so upset when it was negative! Lots of Hugs

Hi :wave:
Thanks for your reply, I am not actually ttc right now and when I started getting all these symptoms getting pregnant couldnt have been furthest from my mind! I would like to be pregnant now I thought I was but OH isnt ready and timings not right!

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