I thought I might be pregnant last month, missed my period other than a small amount of very pink spotting, had very sore boobs, nausia and occasional sickness, sudden dislike to certain smells which normally dont bother me, my boobs seemed bigger and veins on my boobs and thighs seemed more pronounced but all tests were bfn! Doctors did a test which was bfn but wouldnt do a blood test, then two days before my last period was due I started spotting the day before my period was due it got abit heavier and on the day of my period was just a bit lighter then my normal period but with quite a few clots (sorry tmi
) which lasted like that a couple of days and stopped, at the time I assumed it was just my period but now I cant stop thinking about how it wasnt like a normal period! My boobs stopped hurting completly when I stopped bleeding which was odd after a month of them hurting non stop!
I still keep feeling sick not as much as before but am still sensitive to smells, and have woken up the last three days with a odd metalic taste in my mouth, Im shattered all the time, and my trousers have gotten tight, which I thought was just me getting fat but my rings are falling off so must have lost weight on my fingers which is really wierd! Not knowing last month was awful having all these symptoms and feeling really sick all the time not knowing why, I would have liked to have been pregnant but was pleased just to know one way or another when my period came, but as the days have gone on and im still feeling sick etc, I cant stop wondering again whats going on! I have a scan booked next month (because of pains I have been having for last year but not had any really for last couple of months) which im hoping might give me some answers! I think apart of me cant give up the hope that I might be pregnant even though the rational part of me knows Im not!
Sorry for going on so much and welldone if you've managed to get this far without dying of boredom!

I still keep feeling sick not as much as before but am still sensitive to smells, and have woken up the last three days with a odd metalic taste in my mouth, Im shattered all the time, and my trousers have gotten tight, which I thought was just me getting fat but my rings are falling off so must have lost weight on my fingers which is really wierd! Not knowing last month was awful having all these symptoms and feeling really sick all the time not knowing why, I would have liked to have been pregnant but was pleased just to know one way or another when my period came, but as the days have gone on and im still feeling sick etc, I cant stop wondering again whats going on! I have a scan booked next month (because of pains I have been having for last year but not had any really for last couple of months) which im hoping might give me some answers! I think apart of me cant give up the hope that I might be pregnant even though the rational part of me knows Im not!
Sorry for going on so much and welldone if you've managed to get this far without dying of boredom!