think baby may be going put in here too as you girls r good


Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2006
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Hi as the weekend as gone on I have been losing my preg symptoms,well the only ones i had were sore boobs now nothing not sore whatsoever. Have not had any bleeding or anything but have sligh AF cramping but that is normal I know. Well anyway went to the EPAU this a.m and they have taken bloods and are ringing me up this afteroon with the levels and then if necassary to do a repeat test this wenesday. To say i am shi**ng myself will be an understatement!!

Does nayone know what the figures for HCG is at 4 weeks gestation?
Thanks Bex
Hi Bexxie,

I'm sorry I have no idea what the HCG level should be for any stage, I've never asked.

I hope everything is ok and you're just one of the lucky ones to have no symptoms , let us know the result this afternoon.

I'll be thinking of you.

Charm X :hug:
* At 14 DPO, the average HCG level is 48 mIU/ml, with a typical range of 17-119 mIU/ml.
* At 15 DPO, the average HCG level is 59 mIU/ml, with a typical range of 17-147 mIU/ml.
* At 16 DPO, the average HCG level is 95 mIU/ml, with a typical range of 33-223 mIU/ml.
* At 17 DPO, the average HCG level is 132 mIU/ml, with a typical range of 17-429 mIU/ml.
* At 18 DPO, the average HCG level is 292 mIU/ml, with a typical range of 70-758 mIU/ml.
* At 19 DPO, the average HCG level is 303 mIU/ml, with a typical range of 111-514 mIU/ml.
* At 20 DPO, the average HCG level is 522 mIU/ml, with a typical range of 135-1690 mIU/ml.
* At 21 DPO, the average HCG level is 1061 mIU/ml, with a typical range of 324-4130 mIU/ml.
* At 22 DPO, the average HCG level is 1287 mIU/ml, with a typical range of 185-3279 mIU/ml.
* At 23 DPO, the average HCG level is 2034 mIU/ml, with a typical range of 506-4660 mIU/ml.
* At 24 DPO, the average HCG level is 2637 mIU/ml, with a typical range of 540-10,000 mIU/ml.

Not sure on the weeks but my guess would be that at 14dpo you would be around 4 weeks

Keeping my fingers crossed for you bexxie :pray:
Your HCG levels could still be quite low. My fingers are crossed for you, let us know your levels.

I know what you must be going through right now, same situation, back n forth for levels in March.

AN stop looking at the clock :wink:
hope they don't take too long to call you!
they'll probably do repeat bloods in a couple of days too.

Thoughts are with you waiting for the phone call

Oh Bexxie I hope your levels are ok and bub sticks :hug:
Hi thanks
The thing that was getting me is the lack of symtoms in my boobs they were well bad and not now,maybe they are meant to tale of a bit anyway,maybe I ma being paranoid. They dont say much either way at the hospital to stop you getting hopes up or other way I guess.

I am praying so hard (and i am not religious!) that the fact I am not bleeding (Yet!) That I will be okay. You girls on the TTC board are fantastic always there for constant support and I thank you for that. :hug:

I have decided however that I am giving it 6 months rest or am thinking of adoption,as i have a lot of love to give to more children. thats if the worst happens.
Thanks B
Bex lack of symptoms does not mean the worst chick! But it's enough to make anyone panic esspecially when you have already experienced the heart ache.

I bet your just fine & I have everything crossed for you.

What time to you get your result?
before 5 I hope! She put double urgent on form lol.bless her.
I hav ecalled in sick from work and hubby said I can do anything in the world I wnat to,um lets see.............ideas on a postcard please. I basically feel fine but boobs would only feel sore by all the prodding I am doing. :oops:

Just wish i had my own scanner,lol. Can you imagine? Giving yourself and internal scan on the edge of the bath........

Fell bit more cheered up now thanks to you lot. bex
Giving yourself and internal scan on the edge of the bath........
I can actually ... imagine it :rotfl:

Urgent usually comes back same day :D
:hug: :hug: :hug: hunny whatever the results are today is not that important its how they develop between now and wednesday my mates sister is going through same thing at moment she had one test and it came back very low and possibly eptopic another test 2 days later showed levels had more than doubled she is now waiting for a scan to see heartbeat but they have said as her hormone levels have doubled its looking really good. try to stay calm (easy said i know) remember we are all here for you :hug:
:pray: hope all turns out ok for you hun xxxxxxx
don't give up, no bleeding is good. my symptoms come and go day to day bexxie please stay positive, i have a good feeling for you :hug: :hug:
hope all is ok for you bex, my friend never had any symptoms, not even morning sickness so everyone aint the same.....

let us know how you go hun

fingers crossed for ya x :hug:

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