think baby has hiccups


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2008
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at the moment my bump is pulsating on the one side, it seems to be every second or so, and has been going on for a while.
Feels quite different to the hiccups he/she had a few days ago though, maybe Ive just got the baby pressed closer to me this time so feeling them differently
My little chap gets hiccups at least twice a day now, a month or so ago he would hiccup at least 4-5 times a day!

Its strange for me as I know my baby is breech, yet the hiccups are often very low down in my pelvis - Im guessing it depends which part of his body is against me, as to where I feel the vibration!!!

His hiccups are also very fast, and can go on for 10 mins+ most days!
yeah my LO gets hiccups several times a day

strange feeling when they do
Mine seems to get hiccups after i eat chocolate. Even if its only a tiny bit. So he's been having them a lot recently :oops: ! its such a strange feeling.
this is how i could tell my baby had turned from back to back, but bubs has gone back now i think :roll:
EllieBelle said:
Its strange for me as I know my baby is breech, yet the hiccups are often very low down in my pelvis - Im guessing it depends which part of his body is against me, as to where I feel the vibration!!!

I generally feel the biggest sensation as baby's body jumps with each hiccup and her bottom bumps up so although her head is fully engaged, that's not where I have the greatest sensation (if that makes any sense?!) That sort of fits with you feeling it much lower and your LO being breech... :think:

They definitely feel different depending on how she is lying and what position she has got herself in although her hiccups are not so regular anymore - I swear all she ever used to do is hiccup! :roll:
my LO has had one obvious lot of hicups and 2 which i 'think' were. first time was funny cos she was obviously stretched out, and i'd get two little movements (which i could see) one by my tummy button, and one to the right within a fraction of a second of each other , as if one was her head and one was her feet reacting to the hicup. was sweet

according to my mum i used to get them for 30 mins at a time, at least 4 times a day for the last 2 months
Blake used to get the hiccups really bad when i was pg, it was also really fast and felt like pulsating lol it is such a wierd sensation, which i funnily miss now he's here lol

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