They think i've got OC


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2011
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Saw Mw this morning, she wasn't very happy with me that I didnt mention how itchy I've been earlier. I figured tho as it wad body rather than feet etc that it was normal. Anyway she's sent urgent bloods of and if its the case she thinks I'll be induced eeek! Hubby a bit cross too that i.never mentioned it but i thought the scratching was a give away LOL. Having looked at symptoms on net, feeling very hot, dark urine etc ate all applicable. Just hope bubs is ok. Waiting on blood results ...
Oh no :( in your defence I thought it was just hands and feet you had to worry about too, and so I wouldn't have mentioned it either x hope they come back all ok for you :) they would have picked up on it if baby wasn't ok and you could pop at any moment x
Ive just called my midwife unit this morning just to check up on the very same thing and been asked to go in this afternoon for blood tests. Mine was only a random call as well. eeeekkk well good luck hunnie! X
I thought it was just hands and feet too! Good luck with the blood tests x
Thanks girls. Yes at least babe is fully cooked. Hope all goes ok well for you too maybe mummy. They say a certain amount of itching is normal but how am I meant to know how much is too much. Ah well, all shall be revealed soon Xx
Oh Hun, what a bugger! I hope u get the results soon and how exciting they will be induced next week if u need it. U will get to meet your little baby for definite xxxxx
I get my results back on Monday as due there anyway for growth scan and Anti d but they did a through check up. They dont seem to worried and said will go through it if turns out to be OC anyway and not to worry, but in your case I would think that as you LO is now full term and youve been having regular checks etc that all should be ok did they say they might have to induce you? XX
My bile acids have come back raised so just waiting on mw discussing it with DR and phoning me back to see whether I need to go in tonight or tomorrow for more monitoring +/- induction. :os
Ive literally just had a call from Midwife too and mine are raised. She has spoken the senior dr and they said im ok to wait till Monday to start treatment, she said if felt ill or baby dosent move as much to go in asap, I asked if I should worry and she said no happy mother is happy baby. Just reading up on it and seems they dont actually know a lot about it or what effects it has on the baby if anything so dont worry hunnie, at least you know you LO is fine and migt mean you will be holding them sooner than you though! XXX
Aww hun same thing happened to me, I had a rash all over my back on Sunday which was really itchy and my arms were really itchy, I went to the doctors on Monday and my doctor told me to go to the merternaty unit at the hospital first thing Tuesday to get some bloods done, they rang me a couple of hours later to say my bloods were normal thank goodness. Good luck hun.

I'm to go in tomorrow for consultant review. She thinks they'll induce but not necessarily immediately, am to take bags in incase eeek. All becoming very real! Exciting tho, thanks ladies for your support Xx
Oh dear. I had OC and was induced - i still had a good labour though. Don't worry too much about it. It's annoying though isn't it
I keep thinking of you and you're successful induction! It's what's keeping me positive! Xx

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