Thea had her first vaccinations today


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2006
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We took Thea for her first set of vaccinations this afternoon. After a general check over (my little girl is perfect but i knew that anyway!) and a weigh in (10lbs 8oz!!!!!) the doctor went to get the nurse so they could double inject her. Richard had to hold Thea's legs down while the nurse and the doctor gave both vaccinations at the same time in both thighs. Even though i know that was the best way to do it so it was over quicker i still couldnt watch them do it. My poor baby screamed as they injected her but by the time they had stuck two plasters on her she was laughing again.
We have to keep an eye on her tonight but she seems fine at the moment.
aww! im dreading people jabbing needles in alice! i don't blame u for not being able to look :hug:
The first are the worst but as they get older and understand what's gonna happen it's worse for them. Ryan didn't cry at all with his first jabs but after that it broke my heart. :( Better to be safe than regretful though.
its horrible but good for them i suppose. nathan was fine after his i just gave him calpol as soon as i got home just in case, i found the 3rd lot was the worst thats when he spiked a temp
Rachael has hers tomorrow! :(

glad thea is ok.
Its the worst thing watching ur little baby have their injections i cry more than both of mine did :rotfl:

Glad Thea is ok hun :hug:

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