Hi ladies
im back after my christmas break for a week, was lovely to get away and stay somewhere else but i have noticed i should no longer be in this section
Im moving up to the big scary tri 3
When did that happen?
I just wanted to say a big big thankyou for having me and i never dreamt i would get this far
I Cant wait for you all to come and hold my hand in scary tri, Yes especially YOU, you know who you are hehe
So take care ladies, oh and i forgot to say i hope you all had a lovely christmas
See you all soon lotsa love, kaye tia and pink bump

Im moving up to the big scary tri 3

I just wanted to say a big big thankyou for having me and i never dreamt i would get this far

So take care ladies, oh and i forgot to say i hope you all had a lovely christmas

See you all soon lotsa love, kaye tia and pink bump