The things I find myself worrying about


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2007
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:shock: Really, there is me, not worrying myself about being pregnant and how its going, and then I go spend 20 minutes reading up online to see if king prawns well cooked could be dangerous and have agonised since yesterday over the limited choice of maternity bras and how they make you (read me) look :roll:

Went shopping yesterday for maternity bras. Wow aren't they are all about making you feel comfortable but certainly don't leave me looking good in tighter fitting tops :roll: :shakehead: I spent over 30 minutes trying on 2 different sizes and in the end had to get hubby in to offer an opinion. His comment on the more uplifting one 'Wow those are some bazookas' :shock: And he thought it better I not wear it as they really did look insane :oops: I have to say I agree with him but the choice I was left with was not great. Comfortable yes, but as for making me feel comfy in my clothes, well, not exactly walking around with great confidence this morning. I'm sure I'll get used to them eventually :?

And the prawns? We bought fresh stir fry for tonight and king prawns. The hubby asked me in store if it was safe for me to eat them, I said yes, and got 2 packs :p Got home and had a panic today about it so had to research to reassure myself. Safe when cooked, not good when raw. Much to my relief as I am really looking forward to the prawns this evening :>

Minor things on the scale of it, but its weird seeing all these changes to my body and not feeling great about them. I like to feel good about what I wear and agonised enough before I was pregnant over my boobs and bum, and now its kind of magnified. If I don't feel comfortable with how I look in my clothes, its not a happy experience. Any of you other ladies find the same? I'm not a stick, have curves enough and really don't feel very sexy at the moment as it is. My hubby adores me but with the morning sickness etc, and now I don't feel overly confident in my changing body, I'm finding it a bit hard going on the emotions. I keep telling myself its all natural and my emotions are bound to run riot, but bleh at the moment, its a bit overwhelming.
lol i feel exactly the same. having gone up 3 bra sizes and finding it uncomfortable in normal bras i went maternity bra shopping :shock: they were either grey croptop styles that would be visible under every top i own, or they pushed my boobs up to my chin in a pointy madonna style!

i also cant find maternity jeans or trousers anywhere in my leg length and am currently looking for alternatives(some sort or wrap to go over my bump im thinking) but not winning that one either.

lol i guess we shouldnt complain about the little things but hey we're pregnant and hormonal. if we cant moan now when can we??! :hug:
scottishterrier said:
lol i feel exactly the same. having gone up 3 bra sizes and finding it uncomfortable in normal bras i went maternity bra shopping :shock: they were either grey croptop styles that would be visible under every top i own, or they pushed my boobs up to my chin in a pointy madonna style!

Yup, mind in one bra ended up making me look like I'd had implants the size of Jordan and wanted to tell the world :roll: So bloody high up I could have rested my chin on them :rotfl:

I got very down hearted when left with bras that while comfy have a very visible seam across the middle, and also don't really offer any support/lift to make me feel I have boobs not lumps of jelly :lol:

I found a great pair of jogging type trousers at Moterhcare btw. Are you tall or on the shorter side. I am tall and got regular leg but went up a size to compensate for my ever expaninding arse :oops: They have a great tummy bit you can fold down under bump or pull up over and are sooooo comfy. I'm going back for another pair if all goes well in the next few weeks. I'll be living in them I reckon!
those joggers sound cool but im a 38" inside leg and cant find any! would put up with 36 at a push but havnt seen tem either.
topshop had normal joggers in the tall section but they had a thick waistband that sat right over my belly and hurt. right now im wearing my baggiest jeans and having to keep pushing the waistband down at the front/1 not a good look lol
Have you seen this site scottishterrier? I did a bit of digging and while I can't vouch for it, it seems to offer longer trousers. It might take some digging or emailing them to see if they have anything that would fit you in stock but you never know.

Loads of second hand, nearly new and new stuff. I guess the stock is constantly changing with the people selling.
I'm worrying about every single bit of discharge that doesn't look "normal"

Even though i've read it should be blood red, there should be lots of it, you'll get oodles of cramps.... and I've had none of that!

Roll on scan tomorrow so I can actually see if I do have a viable baby there or I've just been dreaming the whole thing!!

(can you tell I'm worried and nervous at all??!)
it is totally overwhelming isn't it. Hope you start to feel better soon.

I am getting stretch marks already and terrible dry hair,roots and acne.

Nothing fits so have been wearing hubbies jumpers.

Oh and the smells and noises i omit (sorry if tmi) whether it be burps, farts or throwing up, it is just so unglamarous. I am like an eating machine eating every hour then peeing every hour....I do love knowing I have a special gift inside of me and I am thankful for every symptom and reassurance babe is ok but we are allowed a
Hey Ladies, I thought I might cheer you up with my comedy breast debacles. Before pregnant I tended to fluctuate between a size 8/10 so why my breasts were a 32ff was way beyond my comprehension and always totally mortified me. I spent my late teens and early twenties learning how to dress to hide them as best as possible, or at least not to accentuate them even more with such fashion breast disasters as high neck slim fit t-shits and 'boob tubes', which only resulted in the over all look of, well, no way else to describe it - Comedy breasts!! My most memorable moment of comprehension as to how I am percieved by the opposite sex came to me when some of the lads from work let it slip, when drunk in the pub, that I used to be nick named 'Twin Towers', they then thoughtfuly pointed out that I was no longer called that as after 9/11 they considered it to be (get this) no longer 'PC'.............

Anyway I now quite happily live with the comedyness of my frontage, I'm am able to laugh at myself and now a 32 year old lady with a good dash of self confidence, it has been something that hasn't bothered me too much in years. That is however until possibly now. I am coming up to 6weeks pregnant and have been pretending for a few days now that I don't have breast spillage! I can adjust them but they only spill out the sides or bottom, and who wants and upside down clevage or a pair of armpit fillets?.... No I think the moment has nearly come that I am going to have to go out and buy an item of underwear preceed by (God help me) the letter 'G' :shock: :shock: :shock:

My husband, by the way, finds this all very hilarious! Well we'll see who's laughing when he sees the bil from Rigby and Peller!!! :shakehead:
Becs, me too!

I was a 30FF before my reduction and now pregnancy has turned me into... a 32GG! Woo! I'm heading for being as big as I was before and I look completely ridiculous :wall:

I am still in underwired bras at 11 weeks which I probably shouldn't be but the alternatives are so hideous. I'm off to Bravissimo in a couple of weeks to get refitted...

Sometimes I wish I were flat chested!!!
Oh Bollocks Debecca, are you serious! That was after a breast reduction :shock:

Oh fuck, there's no hope for me, my husband is going to be like :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
im feeling really really bad about the clothes thing even though i have loads of mat clothes i dont feel comfy at all
i feel like a heffer and think everyone thinks the same about me im normaly a 8/10 depending on shops and i had to buy a 14/16 top from peacocks on friday!!
im really not dealing with it at all hubby tries his best to tell me im not fat im pregnant but i really cant see it myself
sorry for the moan lol :D
im ok with boobs at mo only a 36 c instead of a 32a/b!!
feel sorry for you girlies with huge ones
manda xx
Oh, hey Manda, don't feel blue. Like your hubby says,you're not fat you are a bloomin gorgeous pregnant lady who looks perfect to him even more so because you are bringing his baby nto the world. Right now he thinks you're amazing, trust me. I know it sounds lame but my grandma always used to say the most attractive thing you can wear is a smile and she was right! If you feel good about yourself everyone else will only see your beauty... okay, a little difficult with your head down the bog, but you get the general gist. Try to pamper yourself and don't feel pressured to look like a non pregnant women, you are pregnant and blossoming with womanlyness, show it off and be proud - your gorgeous!
aww thanks hun thats really made me smile!!!
ive dyed my hair back to dark but now my eyebrows dont match so gotta get a pencil for them lol try and make myself look matching at least!!!
manda xx
I was given a great tip by a leading 'brow' expert (through work) on eye brows. She recommends buying a really good small flat brush and using it to brush stroke dark brown eye shadow into your brows. I do it and it is brilliant, much more natural lookinga nd don't worry it doesn't seem to smudge or run.

B xx
manda224 said:
i feel like a heffer and think everyone thinks the same about me im normaly a 8/10 depending on shops and i had to buy a 14/16 top from peacocks on friday!!
im really not dealing with it at all hubby tries his best to tell me im not fat im pregnant but i really cant see it myself

Just feel sorry for us "all the time heffers" who usually have to buy a 14/16 top size...!!!
great tip there becs
and llys im sorry dint mean it like that :oops:
i just feel a heffer as im not used to the weight lol
oh god ive dug myself a hole here!!!
manda xx

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