The sweep??


Jul 12, 2011
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It's my due date Thursday and my mifwife has offered me the sweep. I'm not sure weather to have it or not, I've heard a lot of mixed feelings about it, some people have told me it hurts, others have said its just uncomfortable and rest have said they didn't even no it had been done, anybody had any bad experiences with one and do they work?

i had one done 16 years ago with ds, to be fair it did hurt and i felt a bit abused (a man did mine)

but it did work and i was over my due date so was grateful things got started.
Oh buggar! Lol. I might just leave it then and wait and see how I feel next week, I'm not that fed up YET lol. I suppose she's just not ready to come yet :) thankyou for the advice
me personally not had 1 so cant really comment on it but a have heard few on here saying its nothing worry about other bit uncomfortable but not heard much saying its that bad and it maybe bring things on then pain will start so wouldnt worry about sweep x
I felt nothing with mine.... Just stay relaxed - no worse than a smear!
i had a sweep with my little man, i was 5 days overdue. it was uncomfortable but i would highly recommend one. it was a bit weird to have someone stick their hand up your flower and i bled straight away but the next day i sat on the toilet my waters broke, i was fully dialated and had him within 2 hours and he was so easy to have x
Stop moaning woman and get it swept! ;) xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Ohhhhhhh ok why don't you have it done for me!!!!! Lmao, cheeky sod. Xxxxxxxx thank you all for the advice ladies, if it works then it's always worth a try I suppose :), knowing my luck she'll be stubborn and get herself comfy for an extra two weeks haha x
Go ahead and have one hun , it really got things moving for me . Its uncomfortable for a couple of seconds but it helps , and lets face it you'll have a bit more discomfort to face before you have your baby :) and you may feel a bit embarassed but trust me they have seen it all before xxx
Haha that's true, I want to see if I'm dilating to so I suppose it's a good idea, x
I would go for it - my mw won't do one till 40+5 :( I want one now!!
Really! I got offered mine two weeks ago for Thursday, but I am huge so I think they want to try and get her out before she's to big haha. You never know he might come before and suprise you. :)
Hey, I had one yesterday; it is uncomfortable, and feels a bit 'eek' but it was okay. Some bleeding afterwards, but I still haven't gone in to labour.. lol.. bugger!! The MW found my cervix quite quickly I think if they struggle to find your cervix it may hurt more, but hey giving birth is going to hurt a lot more so I figured I may as well just let the mw do her job and see what comes.

They literally insert a finger and circle you cervix a few times to try and loosen things... it not so bad.. I am almost 1cm dilated.. mm I am moving fast obviously!!
Hmmmmm, that doesn't sound to bad . I'm thinking I might go for it, as long as its not a stingy pain that is haha. I'm no good with a sting. Haha. I think ill have the sweep, eat a pinapple, then a curry, then attempt sex, then have a glass of Orange and caster oil! ....... She proply still wouldn't come! Haha. Thankyou for the advise :) xx

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