The Scheme- BBC 1 Scotland


Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2009
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Did anyone else see this? Where on earth did they find these people???? :shock:
Absolutely brilliant, how the other half live right enough :eh: Makes me proud to be Scottish :fib:

Marvin was just awful with his rotten teeth and his poor dog Bullet, not to mention the girlfriend what was she doing with him?

Can't wait to see next weeks episode :lol:
Classic wasn't it!! Why on earth would you bring all those random people into your house? I felt sorry for bullet! Marvin was something else but his wench had that classic methedone slur! And oh my word, how disillusioned were that family about their son going to prison, I mean it was his 7th offence!
I hope this isn't aired too widely in the UK, it's worse than River City!! :rofl:
I think some people don't realise that this is how many many people live. I see people like that pass by my house every day...
Oh I'm not naive that many people do live that way. I'm not a million miles away from a few notorious areas in Edinburgh. It was just amazing that they had picked the families who seemed to be the most 'interesting', obviously viewing figures count. I mean it's called the scheme but to me that's a street etc but the families were clearly not neighbours, but connected by their lifestyles, very misleading! In amongst all that chaos are normal people but did they show them? Certainly not a true representation of the population of Kilmarnock in my opinion!!
Oh can I just add that I was only commenting on the first episode, I've not seen the second one yet!
I agree that the first one did focus on the worst offenders, so to speak. The second episode did show a slightly fairer representation. And my comment wasn't aimed at you, apologies if it seemed that way. I've been watching some seriously annoying comments appear on my FB tonight about it. I live in a "scheme" and I feel genuinely sorry for some people. They honestly don't know how to live their lives any different. I completely commend people who are trying to keep their kids out of trouble and trying their best to change their lives, and unfortunately there are just some people who view it as normality to live that way.

I really am on my soap box about it tonight lol. I saw a few comments about social scrounging single mothers appear on facebook and it seems that all single mum's on benefits are now the same as anyone off that programme
Oh and you're in for a few surprises in episode 2, I'll say that
Your comment made me look over what I had written and actually I felt I hadn't really articulated myself very well. It's been a major talking point in my house since both OH and my family are from different parts of Glasgow and the West so everyone's had their views!
I had said I hope it's not aired to widely in the UK as everyone seems to get tarred with the same brush. It's like Trainspotting all over again! :) People are far too quick to make grand generalisations and completely overlook the individual, especially when that's the message these sorts of programmes puts out.
I'll catch the second one tomorrow once it's on iplayer. I was too busy watching a programme about people being sectioned under the mental health act earlier (I am a mental health worker) which was acutally quite a fair representation of real life, quite refreshing for a change!
I didn't see this butttttttt Snappykat I LOVE your ticker! :love:
awsome programme cant believe its been postponed due to someone getting arrested
I've only just got round to watching the first 2 episodes and thought it was great.

Does anyone know when the next episodes will be shown. I know they said that it was being postponed or something.
They won't be on for a while. One of the characters from the next two episodes has an upcoming court case and they're worried if any members of the jury see him on camera they'll be biased against him :lol: Doesn't say much for what he gets up to on the programme :lol:

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