The only time I am pleased that AF is here!

Mrs N

Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2010
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Well after my mammoth 8 week cycle I got AF this morning!! Think that this is the only time I will ever be pleased as can get going on the baby making!
Did any of you ladies get a regular cycle straight after a long cycle after coming off the pill? I have bought some opks (cheapie tescos ones) so I can see were I am in the cycle, going to start taking em assuming that I have a 21 day cycle (what I used to have before the pill) and then just use em till get a positive!! Could take some while!!
Any advice from you lovely ladies would be greatly appretiated!
Hey there :)
I came off the pill in august and had cycles of average 31 days then in nov-Dec I had a 45 day one. Fully expected that again last cycle but it reverted to 31 days phew!
I hate the pill!!!
Hope this helped xxx
i cant really help cos i wasnt on the normal pill but a mini one and cant reamember as i came off of it well over a year ago sory.
just wanted to sy good luck.
Thanks hun, i just dont know what to expect at the min! Just going to hope for a normal cycle and go from there! Had no idea that the pill mucks up your body sooo much, going to think twice before going back on it again! (hopefully after baby n!)
Hi Mrs N,

Well Im still waiting for my first AF to arrive but im only on about week 3 after coming off the pill, normally if I did miss a pill or two (erm Im a little forgetfull sometimes :) ) I would get a period although a light one straight away but since deciding to finish altogether hasent been in sight! So im still waiting.... Im pretty sure that my growing belly is more down to left over quality street rather than a baby! LOL
I hope thst it all returns back to normal for you soon as it is really frustrating isnt it? I never had any problems on the pill so did surprise me when AF didnt show (was convinced that I was pregnant!)
I know what you mean about the belly, I had my first day back at college today(doing more beauty training!!) and had to wear my uniform that I havent worn in about a month over xmas and could hardly do up the trousers!! Think that I will have to cut down on the choccies or wil have to go straight into maternity clothes!! Lol!

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