The "nub theory" predicting sex *update 1st post examples!*

My baby hasn't got a nub!!!! Not on the scan piccie anyway - booooo :(
mine didnt have a nub either lol he sure as hell shocked us at 22 weeks though
Tasha20 said:
Actualy Manda your boy nubs look more girl :lol: which is proven he is not, maybe the nub may not be right in your case :think:
haha looks like il just have to wait and see only 7 weeks left :wink:
Yes sorry Manda your a tough one!

Heres clear text book boy nub


Angel some hospitals do have this yes
yep st marys changed there policy after i had Thomas i had to go private with him but now they tell you :cheer:
although my friends sister was told at 20 and 24 weeks its a girl and at 28 weeks its a boy lol we will see when its born
At first I thought my baby didn't have a nub... but when I looked again I thought I saw one on this pic...


I think that from this baby is a girl, what do you think Tasha?? Please say it's a girl then I don't have to keep explaining to my dad why I don't want to name the baby after his grandad Cyril :rotfl:
Becc said:
At first I thought my baby didn't have a nub... but when I looked again I thought I saw one on this pic...


I think that from this baby is a girl, what do you think Tasha?? Please say it's a girl then I don't have to keep explaining to my dad why I don't want to name the baby after his grandad Cyril :rotfl:

If you run along the line of the spine the nub is straight at the end, I would say girl :D
Yaaaaay!! A girl and not a baby Cyril!! I wonder how accurate it is... guess I will find out in 6 weeks :cheer:
how cool :D does mine have a nub??

....shall try post pic..

I havnt a clue if mine is nubby or not :think:
I dont think it is.
what you think?


To the Nub Theory experts.....

Does mine look like a boy or girl? My 20 week scan is in 2 weeks when I'll hopefully find out but for a bit of fun Id love to know your opinion. I have had a look and cant find this nub....well I can see a leg..or is it a very big nub lol? :oops:

I was only looking at this link the other day and found it by the off chance ...........iv pulled my scan piccie out and i cant see the nub on my little peanut ........will try and upload a picture later would be interesting to see what u think as i have another 3 weeks till my nxt scan

Ok so had a look ladies.

Holly yes I think I see nub, on the babies body you can see a line which is less than 30degrees which would indicate girl because of the angle, so I would say theres a 70% chance your having a girl, if it is a nub (which it does look like one)
*Holly see two posts down*

Pacha its very difficult to see the nub on your scan photo, so couldn't say either way, but what I think I see which is a little bit of nub then I would say girl again because of the angle but really it could still sway the other way, sorry I can't really tell with that one.

Minxie Now I think I see the nub but its on abit more of angle, though im still only saying 60% on it being boy but still could be girlie there so not sure again!
Oh and yes im think what you thought was nub... was a leg :lol:

Sweetpea upload it and we can have a look! :cheer:

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