Wish my 3 1/2 year old could ride a bike. She doesn't do pedals. I am going to teach her now the weather is better.
On tues, while I was babysitting my friend's 6 boys while she was being induced with her last baby, the eldest (13 with aspergers) told our other friend who was helping, that her 5.5 month old boy looks pale, and has grey hair. Same boy, when mum came home late, with a girl baby (yay!), asked if little baby Gwen was black - because she was a dark red from birth etc. Bless. Mum explained very well that no, Gwen isn't black, she's just dark from being in all that fluid and from the birth. He's a cool child, he asks questions that I often think but that I know other people don't want to know. We talked about dying, he says he is scared of dying.
My 9 year old stepson still calls me 'daddy's friend' and apparently last night when my OH walked him and his friend back to ours, he said to his friend, 'daddy's friend is having a baby - and guess what, it's daddy's!'
I've too many tales about kids of various ages and the funny things they say. I feel all smiley, this is a good thread!