the great debate...husband/partner help please!!


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2008
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As the toilet roll goes so quick in our house we asked the kids how much they are using, 2 of my sons said they use one piece for a wee at which point my husband laughed and said why do you wipe your willys, he said he just shakes (no wonder i have to wash the flippin walls down), anyway my other son came in so we asked him, he said he shakes but no more than 3 times or its concidered playing with it :roll: .
So the question is do your men wipe or shake :think:
My OH - bless his hairy bum - does shake when it's a pee.


He uses around 1/2 a roll everytime he does a 2!! He says he's scared incase he gets some on his fingers!! OMG he works down drains for a living and he's scared of his own! :roll:

Sorry Tmi!

Kim x x x x x
he shakes... his pants on a drunken night in told me as much a few dribbles here and there where he wasnt concentrating when shaking it :lol:
but a poo is a different story he uses most of the roll :roll:
He shakes for a pee and then uses a full roll after a poo :wall: then blames Paris for not changing the loo roll :doh:
mine like your lot uses most the loo roll for a 2 but number one I never thought about it, then when I was in bath the other day he came in to use the loo and he didnt do either....!! just left it, grossss!!!
he shakes too, but i always moan about it, wish he would wipe :puke: :lol:
Mine wipes :roll: His mum is so glad he has left homne cuz he cost her a fortune in loo roll :lol:
I just asked DH and he said:

Depends if he is sat down or not..

If seated he wipes, if standing he shakes!!

So there you have it! I now feel enlightened!! I didnt even realise he sat when he wee'd! :rotfl: Is that unusual??
My 6 year old wipes

My OH wipes normally but shakes if he's at the pub (or another place that has a urinal thingy)
:rotfl: :rotfl: What a question Hen ! :D

My Oh shakes! Though I would prefer he wiped lol!
my OH shakes but like most of your OH he uses a full roll for a no2 :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Jen & Her Men said:
I just asked DH and he said:

Depends if he is sat down or not..

If seated he wipes, if standing he shakes!!

So there you have it! I now feel enlightened!! I didnt even realise he sat when he wee'd! :rotfl: Is that unusual??

mine sits too! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
widowwadman said:
Jen & Her Men said:
I didnt even realise he sat when he wee'd! :rotfl: Is that unusual??

Well if it's a longer session?

i know why men sit down for wees! its if theyre having a poo at the same time or if their too drunk to stand up!
I've just quesitoned OH and...

My OH is shocked that some men wipe after a wee :roll: :roll: He's a shake and go kind of guy. Waste of paper was his response

and as for sitting down...his reply to that question was "if we were meant to sit down for a p*ss why would they have invented urinals?" Fair point I suppose :think: :think:





:dance: Do the Shake 'n Dab, and put the freshness back
Do the Shake 'n Dab and put the freshness back
When your bits smells fresh, your room does too
Every time you wee, remember what to do
Do the Shake 'n dab and put the freshness back.

Shake 'n Dab: in four fragrances :dance:

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