The elusive BFN....


Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2012
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Hey girls, I had my D&C 2+4 ago and although I'm still showing a 'if I hold it up to the light I think I can see a positive' positive, I'm getting closer to the ever elusive bfn!.

If someone said to me on the 30th April (day out pregnancy was confirmed) that 8 and a bit weeks later I would b hoping for a bfn I would have laughed! I'm hoping my body gets back to normal quickly and we can start officially trying again.....💛
I know how frustrating this time is, mine dragged on for a long time and made it all more stressful. Sounds like you're nearly there though and then you can work towards that bfp again x
yep, I know exactly how you feel. Its awful being stuck in that grey area after a mc. I didnt check for a bfn but I ovulated 4 weeks after the first day of miscarriage, then AF 2 weeks after that. I was so keen to start TTC again that the wait was just brutal.
You'll get there in the end, back to the fun of opk's and 2ww's :wink:!
Mine took four weeks to be BFN! Then a further two to ovulate. Crazy! It's very hard to deal with and I was exactly like you, wanting to try immediately, no reason why you can't :)
As soon as you get your BFN, test for ovulation as some women can ovulate immediately, some like me, about two weeks later xxx
Hi Lynne I had a very very faint positive 18 days after D&C, and then 3 days later 21 days after D&C I ovulated and had positive OPK, so you may ovulate again soon. X
Thanks girls :)). I'm on holiday at the moment so don't have access to opks! I brought my last few cheapies with me to check for bfn and I'm almost there with one left so think I will leave it til Sunday to use the last one and hopefully it will be back to being clear. It's awful sad to say that I'm looking forward to it but I know I won't be able to move forward til it happens and we can try again!

I've been having lots of (so sorry tmi) watery cm, as in lots of which would normally indicate ov but I'm not certain it will this month given that I've had the D&C. I'm nervous to start trying again because of how long it took the last time xx
It took me a year between mc 2 and 3. Then I got pregnant (without trying I might add) three months after my last mc. I'm 23 weeks now. It can happen and it varies, the best advice I can give you - and I'm totally aware it's WAAAY easier said than done is to relax. I did and it worked, I wasn't even thinking about it, for once!
Good luck - enjoy your hols xxx
Lynne, you can still ov with small amounts of hcg in your system. I did, confirmed with temping and my hpt didn't go completely negative until my first AF after one of my mc. If your body is giving it's fertile signs and you feel ready to try again just go for it xx
Thanks scm we have been just enjoying sex since being on holiday so if it's happened this month it's going to be amazing...if not we will keep trying!! Xx
I'm sorry for your loss hun. We lost our baby at the weekend and dreading the day I'm due to test for the bfn. Will pray that you conceive soon and get your sticky rainbow hun. Xx
Thank you mrs, I officially had my bfn on Monday/tues and low and behold this morning I got a nasty evap so I'm currently heartbroken :-(.

Honestly, what a way to start a day off!!x

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