The Coil


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2007
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Can I have peoples experiences of it please....good and bad and also if it was the one with the hormones or not..i dont know the different names :oops: hehe thanks :D
I have had both.
I started with the copper one, it wasn't too uncomfortable to put in, that's the bit i was dreading but it was fine. Although it made my periods go very heavy and over the space of about 10 days, I felt so tired and got anaemic every month with the amount I was losing, so I decided to have it taken out and go for the hormone one instead (Mirena).
Again i was dreading it being pulled out but i didn't notice anything at all! The nurse got me talking and it was done.
A high % of women have no periods with Mirena, although I do still, and the bleeding is erratic, like for 7 days then 2 weeks later another 7 days, then 10 days later 2 days which is a pain in the ar5e! I have also noticed my face gets more spots, some quite bad. I'm sure i'm the minority with this though. It's worth trying because once it's in it's brilliant, nothing to remember, just get on with life :)
Thanks hun..this is the one im going to go really terrible with the pill :roll: lol

Do you have to be on to have it fitted??
god thats gonna be hard work...i cant get an appointment at my docs and trying to get one to tie in with my AF is just :roll: lol

plus i dont fancy having it done when im on :puke: :rotfl:
do you have to have one put in while your on? or can it go in at any time in your cycle?
clairescunny55 said:
do you have to have one put in while your on? or can it go in at any time in your cycle?

it can go in at anytime of your cycle.... but the best time is during yor period or just after...:) I had a mirena coil for five years I never had any side effects other than no periods at all.... and occasional pelvic pain if DH was a bit..erhm :oops: exuberant during our love making... :rotfl: .

Mind you it hurt like hell to have it put in and taken out... next time I'll take painkillers beforehand. :shock:
im going to docs this afternoon and im thinking either coil or injection. would they be able to do either today? im due on tomorrow
clairescunny55 said:
im going to docs this afternoon and im thinking either coil or injection. would they be able to do either today? im due on tomorrow

the injection...certainly. But be prepared to loose all your sex drive... the coil needs to be fitted by someone qualified, so it will depend on your surgery tbh and if a qualified person is working today.
m going in march to have a chat about it then gonna have it m tinks :cheer:
i suck at taking pills too, melissa was conceived coz i forgot a pill and since her birth iv had the morning-after pill twice :oops: but im not getting a coil coz shell put me off! :lol:
trixipaws said:
i suck at taking pills too, melissa was conceived coz i forgot a pill and since her birth iv had the morning-after pill twice :oops: but im not getting a coil coz shell put me off! :lol:

i know what u mean lol but the way i look at is everyones experiences is different..just like i had quite a bad birth and you didnt...if you know what i mean...i just cant risk getting pg again and i know i really am very fertile now haha


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