The big vain in my head is about to pop!!!


Well-Known Member
May 15, 2008
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please tell me im not the only one who is having CRAZY mood swings!??!? for 4 days straight ive wanted to kill someone!! i dont know why but im seriously seriously fed up!!!!!! im such a moody cow its just not funny.

i just did the house work and took a bin bag out and the fucking thing had a rip in it and the fucking contents went all over my clean mopped floor¬!!! i just burst into tears.

and im getting so fed up living with 3 men (my OH and 2 lodgers which are OH mates anyway gggrrrr) they dont fucking tidy up after themselves and they eat all our food¬!!!!

AND AND AND!!!! we havent had any hot water or heating for months, im freezing and u could cook chips in my hair., im fed up of having a wash in the ******* sink and having the odd shower at my mums.

and to top all this off i have nausea 24/7 and the worst heaches!!!

god put me out of my misery.
I'm having crazy mood swings.
My surroundings aren't as lame as yours (3 men, i'd have killed someone!!)
I can be ok one second, then shouting and angry, then crying, just all over the place.
:hug: :hug: :hug:
I hope things start feeling better for you.xx
and im soooooooo bloated i feel like such a big fat heffer!!!!!!!!!1 :cry: :cry: :cry:
dina.marie said:

please tell me im not the only one who is having CRAZY mood swings!??!? for 4 days straight ive wanted to kill someone!! i dont know why but im seriously seriously fed up!!!!!! im such a moody cow its just not funny.

i just did the house work and took a bin bag out and the f***ing thing had a rip in it and the f***ing contents went all over my clean mopped floor¬!!! i just burst into tears.

and im getting so fed up living with 3 men (my OH and 2 lodgers which are OH mates anyway gggrrrr) they dont f***ing tidy up after themselves and they eat all our food¬!!!!

AND AND AND!!!! we havent had any hot water or heating for months, im freezing and u could cook chips in my hair., im fed up of having a wash in the b*****d sink and having the odd shower at my mums.

and to top all this off i have nausea 24/7 and the worst heaches!!!

god put me out of my misery.

I had horrific mood swings last time but not this time fortunately (hubby has actually commented that he is very relieved). Yes, when I suffered with them I either wanted to kill everyone or cry in a corner (or cry in a corner whilst killing everyone)...

Sounds like you have good reason to feel rubbish hun :hug:
I'm the same, and it's over the most trivial of things, I went completely mad at OH because he said he'd ring his Dad and didn't. I was literally chasing him round the house throwing things (soft things mind like cushions) and screaming at him to ring him :shock: :oops: I've no idea why either, I just went completely nuts.

Thankfully none of my other outburts have been so bad apart from Friday when I was in Brighton I was trying to drop a friend off at the station and people kept walking in the way (on the road mind!) so I was f'ing and blinding out the window at them.
atleast im not the only one then. i remember feeling like this with bean. its such a horrible feeling cuz nothing makes u feel better. and when OH asks whats the matter i just say i dont know. its like having the worst PMT ever :(
Aw hun, I think living with 3 men would drive anyone crazy :wink: I have terrible mood swings and crying sessions too and can totally lose it about anything :( Hope you feel better soon hun :hug: :hug:

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