the apprentice


Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2007
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Katie was my favourite but as i watched tonight's episode i realised that she just wanted to 'win the show'. The other two wanted the job more than her. If it was a case of moving her family to London she could have made that call to her parents the day before and told them 'mum, dad, im so desperate for the job and i need you guys to cooperate' but she obviously wasnt' desperate enough, i mean why would she be - she was already on 90K a year. She wanted to be able to sat 'i won the apprentice' but as for the job itself she knew didn't really need it

what do u think ladies?
sorry to disagree but i HATED katie!!
i thought she was smug, put on & tried to use her charm all the time.
i was sooo shocked when she stood down like that :shock:

who do you think will win now?
love the Apprentice :cheer: :cheer:
I hated katie too, i want that other women to win :cheer:
I cant believe she put on her CV, as an example of being ruthless, that she stole another mans husband! Thats nothing to be proud of you stupid stupid woman :evil: :evil: :x :x

Ive always hated her and that whole thing at the end was an act, she awlays knew she wasnt going to actually go for the job if she got that far :x
foxymum said:
sorry to disagree but i HATED katie!!
i thought she was smug, put on & tried to use her charm all the time.
i was sooo shocked when she stood down like that :shock:

who do you think will win now?
love the Apprentice :cheer: :cheer:

Yeah i hated her too, what a vile woman!!! ' I took her husband because I wanted too' :x Did he have a white stick?

I want the other woman to win- Christina is it? Had a baby when she was a teenager and still put herself through uni and made a success of herself, that's determination!!!

That Katie never needed the job, she was being paid the same amount of money that Alan was offering her in her current job. She just wanted to prove she could win the apprentice- bet she wouldn't have even taken the job.

Sorry but she's a poor excuse for a woman!!!!

I didn't like Katie but I loved hating her and would have been gutted if she'd gone earlier! She always made me laugh fluttering her eyelashes at Sir Alan thinking she looked good!

Did anyone see You're Fired on BBC 2 after? She looked much better with toned down make up.

I don't know who I want to win now. I think Christina will probably get it though.
And that little fat man who interviewed her blatantly fancied her, as as soon as she sat down he was staring at her legs, that w s the only reason he liked her!!! Dirty little man!!!

I just think she was awful!!!

:cheer: Go Christina :cheer:
God I hated Katie with a passion!! She just had a face I wouldnt tire or hitting!! :lol:

Did you watch the thing on BBC2 afterwards - I thought there was gonna be a punch up between Katie and the woman that owns the bra thing (forgotten her name!!)
i think she's one of the oddest looking women ive ever seen ! :rotfl:

glad she did the right thing and stood down , she does deserve respect for that as it was obvious she wasnt gonna take the job and she coulda ruined it for someone else who deserves it

so glad tray went , he annoyed me !
and the ther uy , well cant even remember his name he was so boring !

think christina deserves it , she doesnt talk bull like simon !
Yeah Tray was so up his own arse and arrogant, really didn't like him... I think the best 2 out of the 5 went through. Simon makes me laugh- he looks so simple all the time!!!
I just liked the way there was no bulls*itting with him!!

Did you watch the beyond the boardroom that was on late the other night (yes I am an addict of Sir Alan!!)

Tre had a really serious accident when he was 19 and was told he would walk again or father any children - both of which he has managed to do since.

Aww he's just a sweetheart really!
SarahH said:
I just liked the way there was no bulls*itting with him!!

Did you watch the beyond the boardroom that was on late the other night (yes I am an addict of Sir Alan!!)

Tre had a really serious accident when he was 19 and was told he would walk again or father any children - both of which he has managed to do since.

Aww he's just a sweetheart really!

But he bullshitted that bloke interviewing him when he said he owned his own business and had offices in other countries!!! I loved watching him squirm :rotfl:
Im glad that guy who was selling the tramaline thing didnt get it, It was hilarius when he did that! :rotfl:
I actually felt sorry for Katie last night even though I cant stand her. She's got 2 kids and is a single parent and manages to earn 90k a year AND put her kids first. How many here can match that?

My OH has been working with Kristina for a few weeks as her & Simon go on placement at one of Sir Alan's companies for a few months after filming before the final task so he gets a good look at how they perform in the actual workplace. I hope she wins because she was a teenage mum and has done very well for herself even if she hadn't of got that far on the show she's still a winner.

I cant see Simon winning it, I was surprised he was picked as he's still a little boy and to head one of the company's, I cant see it.
jenna said:
Im glad that guy who was selling the tramaline thing didnt get it, It was hilarius when he did that! :rotfl:

What you mean? He's in the final!
I wonder how many hours Katie puts in a week at work :think: Anyone know? (Just being nosey lol)
Katie earns £90K a year as her ex husband and the father of her kids is her boss!!

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