The 4 month wait...


Dec 3, 2013
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Hi everyone

I'm a complete newbie so bear with me, trying to learn all the lingo and everything I should be doing whilst WTT.

A bit about me, I'm 31, been with my oh for 4 years and we are both now desperate to start trying. Unfortunately my oh has just gone off on military tour for 4 months :cry: :cry: :cry:

We wanted to start trying before but I want him here with me for everything so we agreed to wait until he returns in April. Upon his return we are planning the holiday of a lifetime too, to New York and Florida and the trying will begin immediately!!

So, to keep myself occupied I have been reading up all these forums and I also ordered a book off Ebay. I will begin taking folic acid probably this weekend when I can get into town to buy some. I have also joined Fertility Friend, but don't really feel equipped yet to get into it. I cam off the pill about a fortnight ago so just going to wait and see how this cycle works out. I used to be very regular but who knows if that may have changed...

Anyway, I hope to get to know some of you a bit better and hoping people will keep me right along the way!!

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Hi Laura! Welcome to the forum. We're all lovely here and love talking about everything!
4 months will fly by and you have a nice amount of time to get to know when you're ov'ing.

I already have a little boy 20months and won't be trying til September! It seems so far away! X
Hi Laura!

Sorry to hear your OH is away for so long but it really will go si fast!

(Despite my ticker & already having a 5 month old) We are gearing up to ttc in March/April time too. I have to have my gallbladder out in feb, so as soon as that's gone we are good to go! Although I have to stay on the pill for now as we are a nightmare for danger pokes haha x
Hello. You have a perfect amount of time to get yourself as fit and healthy as possible ready to ttc. Waiting is hard though you cant think of anything else some days.
Hello :D Welcome to the zone of 'eternal' waiting, or at least it can feel like that! hope youre not too lonely when your man is away, come here and chat to us while you await his return, the holidays sound wonderful, something awesome to look forward to!
Hi Laura! Welcome to the forum. We're all lovely here and love talking about everything!
4 months will fly by and you have a nice amount of time to get to know when you're ov'ing.

I already have a little boy 20months and won't be trying til September! It seems so far away! X

Hi Tasha, I'm hoping the months will fly - so far it's not!!

Hi Laura!

Sorry to hear your OH is away for so long but it really will go si fast!

(Despite my ticker & already having a 5 month old) We are gearing up to ttc in March/April time too. I have to have my gallbladder out in feb, so as soon as that's gone we are good to go! Although I have to stay on the pill for now as we are a nightmare for danger pokes haha x

Hi Sara Louise,

I have to say I've always been fairly careful!! Until a few months ago, we really didn't feel ready, or in a position to have a baby, now it's everything we want!! I wish we could get some DPs in!!!

Hello. You have a perfect amount of time to get yourself as fit and healthy as possible ready to ttc. Waiting is hard though you cant think of anything else some days.

Hi Mustard, I have so many things to look forward to but it all seems so far away at the moment. I know that the time will go past quick enough, but when we are right at the beginning is seems like forever! Funny how the time left to lose weight finish studying goes by so quickly but everything else is slow!!

Hello :D Welcome to the zone of 'eternal' waiting, or at least it can feel like that! hope youre not too lonely when your man is away, come here and chat to us while you await his return, the holidays sound wonderful, something awesome to look forward to!

Hi Bookworm, It certainly feels like I'll be waiting an eternity... I'm not too lonely, I like my own company. And I've been dog-sitting the last couple of weeks so they kept me company!

I'm actually looking forward to having a bit of a rest over Christmas, seem to have had loads on the last few weekends and am feeling a bit run down.

Haven't really had time to read my fertility book, or get to read much of these forums yet. Hopefully I'll get a bit of time this weekend :)

Thanks for all the positivity xxx
Hi Laura. Welcome to the forum :). Sorry you have to wait to try. I hope the time goes quickly for you. :) xx
Thanks Kelly

I've been having problems getting on to the forum the last few days - is that normal?? The website appears to be down when I've tried...

Have been reading my fertility book, overload though, there is so much information it's mad! And I've got a thermometer on order. Think I'll probably start tracking properly from my next cycle, which all being well, should begin in the next week or so.

Need to start looking at what vitamins and things oh and I need too, guess what oh is getting in his next care package??!!

Hope everyone is well and ready for Christmas :) xxx
The site hasnt worked muxh recently but seems to be fixed now and I presume won't be down again. I wouldn't know much about cycles and ovulating etc. We just started trying last September and were pregnant in November so I didn't have to start all of that and keeping track.
True. Get those vitamins in you :) x
Wow Kelly, that's brilliant. We would both love it if it happened that quickly for us, but I guess that's unlikely. I will do everything I can to make sure we are both at our peak tho ;)

Happy weekend to all, I love this run up to Christmas, last minute shopping and wrapping, mulled wine, yummy food... Not good for the waistline but it's only a few days, I've still got 3 whole months til oh gets back, plenty time to lose a few more lb!! xxx
It's christmas you're supposed to have a little winter weight! :) well that's at least what I tell myself! :)
Hi Laura,

I was an avid member of the forum until about Oct this year when we stopped trying coz we are getting married next year. Our wedding is in June so we are hoping to start in march/April time. We are getting married abroad so we're scared to get pregnant and fly! Hopefully if we fall in march then we'll be able to tell the guests at the wedding :)). What a nice way to start married life!

How are you preparing ur body? Ru taking folic acid or anything else? X
Hi Laura,

I was an avid member of the forum until about Oct this year when we stopped trying coz we are getting married next year. Our wedding is in June so we are hoping to start in march/April time. We are getting married abroad so we're scared to get pregnant and fly! Hopefully if we fall in march then we'll be able to tell the guests at the wedding :)). What a nice way to start married life!

How are you preparing ur body? Ru taking folic acid or anything else? X
Hi Lynne

Haven't started taking anything yet, I'm still trying to suss out what I need to do, I will def start on the folic acid soon though!

Pleased to say my first "normal" cycle after coming off the pill was exactly on time so hopefully that bodes well for me to have nice regular cycles. I am now taking my temps every day, although they seem a bit haywire just now, hoping they settle when I get into more of a routine.

Still feeling a bit bloated and rubbish after Xmas, gained 2lb which is ok but I feel like I might have another gain this week, not good when I'm not massive to start with! After NYE tho, I will be fully on the ball, I'm having some friends round and have bought loads of nibbles. All of which will be going home with my friends/chucked out before U can go mad on them! I do Slimming World the rest of the time so I want to be good!

Back at work today to find the boss has moved our desks and my screen can now be seen... Not happy as it means I won't be able to have the odd skive on here like I sometimes do. Everything feels like it's in the wrong place now, my desk has been set up as if for a left handed person, phone, filing cabinet, everything is on my left... But the boss thinks it looks amazing so I don't think she will let me move it again... She works in a different office, don't know why she cares so much what our office looks like... grrrr I don't like change :(

Sorry for the tangent, best get back to work before someone notices!!

Happy New Year when it comes xx
And to you too! Happy New Year!

I'm currently 5dpo with a 15 day luteal phase, so another ten days til AFTER then back to square one! I'm hoping that man/February will new our month but u kno it'll happen when it happens I'm sure! Xx

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