Thank you!


May 19, 2006
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I've just joined and have really enjoyed reading the posts in all sections! Thank you as I've realised that I'm not alone and at last there are people I can talk to. I'm only 7 weeks gone so haven't told anyone (except my husband of course) I feel like I'm carrying a huge secret I cant share and its doing my head in!
I'm craving alcohol like you wouldn't believe. I'm hardly going out as I keep needing to make excuses why I'm drinking and am running out! Plus its no fun watching others enjoy a glass of wine when you can't join in! At least I feel normal after reading the posts and les slike an alcoholic!
looking forward to spending the next 8 months with you!
Hi Jemima,

I am a newbie too and really enjoying the forum.

It is difficult not to tell anybody. We have our own business and I always think that when the courier comes in the afternoon to collect our parcels, that he must think I have become incredibly lazy by not helping carry out any of them!

Its not alcohol with me but eggs! I really love soft boiled eggs or a nice runny egg with a fry up! (That is probably more weird than alcohol)
Don't wanna worry you but I have heard that you shouldn't be eating runny eggs as there not cooked enough, risk of saemonella but then I was told that eggs are injected now so you can't catch it, you might wanna check it out.

Hi Jemima the forum is ace, you will enjoy coming on here. Goodl luck with your pregnancy il be with you all the way lol!
What I should have said was that I am craving the eggs because I can't have them (risk of listeria etc.) It's hard boiled only at the moment, a bit like me!

Sorry to worry you blackfairykitten x
Congrats Jem. I posted a topic about alcohol free wines as I was so craving my usual nightly glasses of wine!!! Have bought some alcohol free chardonnay but OH wont let me drink it as label says it contains 0.5% alcohol :shock: Have discovered alcohol free cobra beer, in bottles 0.00% £2.50 for 4 bottles in Adsa. They are really nice ice cold and really help when all around you are supping the real stuff!! :x

Welcome to the forum.
I was the same as you with alcohol used to be a party animal lol, i drank the first whole month of my pregnancy about every day until the day i found out.
Its hard expecually in the summer when its hot and you just want a nice cold beer or cooler but you will get through it trust me :D
I went out last night and bought a 6 pack of alcohol free beer! Boy it tasted good. :D not quite the real stuff, but definitely better than nothing. Still haven't found alcohol free wine. I live in France and not sure if they do it out here but will def keep looking.

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