Terrible 2's at 16 months!


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
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This morning AJ has learned how to push mummy to the limit.
He's only been up 3 hrs and I've put him down for a nap - were due swimming in 1/2 an hour! :whistle:

I guess this is where it all begins.....:shock:
I dont know why they call them terrible twos because they always start earlier and get even worst at 3 :mad: Dec started his terrible twos at about 17-18 months and they have just got worse and worse plus I have been told to expect worse at 3 :shock:

Its great isnt it, but I am sure once he gives you a big cheeky grin it is all forgotten :)
oh yes the cheeky grin gets him out of all sorts!!
Worse at 3?? We havent reached 2 yet!! :shock:

Cheeky lil monkey ignored Daddy and stuck his foot in the mop bucket full of cleaning water!! Well nap time followed soon after a foot wash!!
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we started at 15 months witht he terrible 2s. bloody hell it was awful! thankfully since she's been in the cast she's been a bit easier to control cos i can put her down somewhere and she cant move :lol: but meal times and bed time are a bloody nightmare!
I'm waiting but I know it's not far off. If I tell her not to do something she shouts back at me and bites the nearest object - even if that's the poor bloody dog!
Rosie started around 15 months, banging her head on the floor when I said no and taking things off her that she shouldnt have. Its still going on but she throws herself on the floor now and only head bangs now and again as she has learned that it hurts!
Oliver must've started at the same time as Aidan! He really cries when we tell him off and has a right paddy if we take things off him! I'm sure they'll get over it soon enough.
Ha ha laughing my head off reading all this. Thought i was the only one whose gorgeous little darling had recently turned into a head banging, biting, paddy throwing, screaming so much he makes himself gag MONSTER!!!! Feel much better now though!!
Worse at 3?! Don't tell me that! I thought this was going to be as bad as it gets now he's 2 :lol:
Terrible 2's at 16 months OMG I remember that!!

Then she turned 2 LMAO *zip*!!!

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