

Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2010
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Hi Girls :wave:

Ive starting charting today.

I just wondered when I should see a rise?

Is it before or on OV?

Im on CD9 today. I think i OV on CD14

Thanks in advance


xxx :)
Hey Nikki,

You will see a rise once ov has taken place - so if you OV on day 14 you would see a spike on day 15. OV can happen anytime though so dont panic if you dont see the spike on CD14/15. Ive just come off the pill and my temp went up CD23!! :) xx
you'll be able to confirm it's an ov rise because you'll have three higher temps in a row. And as LD said, it'll show you once ov has happened

Have a look on fertility friend at the chart gallery and you'll get an idea of the general trends to look for
Hi Spinney, I have been charting my temps for quite a while now.

I ov on day 13/14 and I get a temp rise generally 2 days after, so on day 15/16. The temp goes from around 36.35 up to 36.55 (generally speaking). It stays high until about 2-3 days before af when it gradually drops to below my cover line (which is roughly half way between your before ov and after ov temp).

I know I'm not pregnant when I see the temp dip before af :cry: which can be a real downer, but it beats waiting for the witch to show up!

Good luck temping!
Thanks girls, I am glad i asked cause my friend said hers went up when she OV'd and then went back down after. If it goes up after OV then i will more than likely miss it!

Yesterday it showed 96.63 This morning it was 97.20! It has already gone up and im only on CD10. Looking at Fertilty Friend that seems to be normal though.

I will see what it says tomorrow.

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it's really hard to do but try to only focus on trends with temperatures. they can vary so much day to day and you can read so much into it and send yourself nuts, but then when you look back at the whole chart you can see the trends...
Nothing to add just wanted to wish you luck xx

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