Telling the 'folks!!


Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2006
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well we have decided we are going to tell both sets of parents, probably, this weekend and i am a nervous wreck thinking about it. other times i sit and think why am i being so scared about telling my mum and dad i am bringing their granchild into the world, same with OH's parents .....BUT.....i am petrified they will be angry or something!!!

Dont worry hun, even if they are shocked/upset/worried at first they will be happy when it sinks in :hug: :hug:
both sets of our parents were over the moon for us but we got married last year so I think they were kind of expecting it

I would say the same as midna, so long as you're happy with the LO then tough luck what anyone else thinks.

I bet they'll be happy though

Whatever their initial reaction, you are bringing their grandchild into the world and a new life is to be celebrated :D They'll come round.

I'm sure they'll be over the moon though! xx
they might be a little concearned hun but i am sure they will be really exited :hug:
What makes you think they will be angry about it? Just curious really. Im sure they will be fine and really supportive x
Good luck telling them. They might just surprise you and be over the moon about it!! :lol:
Good Luck hun, im sure once they come round they will be over the moon at the thought of a grand baby xxx
good luck hun, i know its worrying but i bet theyll be really happy :D :hug:
Lots of parents seem to be sad/disappointed at first but I think it's a just a shock to them - kind of like reality hits them that you aren't their little girl anymore but a real adult woman.

It's probably the first time most parents realise that you have actually been having sex - until you get pregnant I think a small part of their mind keeps denying that you "do it".

Most all of them come round and are quite happy/supportive.

sending hugs
oh hun, it really wont be bad! i was terrified to the point that me and OH didnt spill the beans to anyone until week 13! lol, and i thought they'd be negative toward it too....but everyone was SO nice about it!
Like others said who cares what they think as long as ou and your oh are happy.
Why do you think they would be angry?

We planned to have a baby but as we're not married we wanted to make it clear to our families that this was not an accident - it was great news. So our phrase was:

I have exciting news. We've been trying for a baby and I'm pregnant :D

Saying that it is exciting news lets them know you are happy. I remember a friend who was 19 and not in a relationship telling me she was pregnant. Because I can be a bit blunt I asked if this was happy news - because I wasn't sure what would be the right reaction - so I always tried to make it clear to people that it was happy news.

I hope this helps :hug:

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