Tell us your big success stories


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2006
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Hello to all you lovely pregnant ladies,

We could do with some happy ending stories and I wondered if some of you might be up for sharing with us your story. Were you trying for a long time? Did you have a m/c? Special treatment or any other difficulties to over come? We'd love to hear your success stories. Please post even if you have posted before.

Thanks in advance,
Becs :D

*decides to apply for Jeremey Karls job*
DH and I decided to TTC in April 2005. We tried for 4 months before deciding to go back on pill due to various other things going on at the time. We started TTC again in May 2006 when we got married. It then seemed like everything was against us as DH kept being sent away by his work. Month after month I thought 'this is it!' but AF would keep pitching up and causing us heartache :( In December 2006 we decided not to even mention TTC and just enjoy the Xmas period together. We relaxed, drank, ate, talked and just generally enjoyed being together. January arrived and so did my BFP :cheer: :cheer:
I'll tell you my sister's story.

She was TTC for over 18 months - did everything right - got fit and healthy beforehand - her and her dh, checked her ovulation, legs in the air everything. Nothing :(

She got referred by the doctor for tests and had resigned herself to haing to have help ttc. She has her first lot of bloodtests and on her results my mum and I both noticed that it noted a very slightly higher level of something or other - we checked it out (without telling her) and discovered it was some hormone related to milk production. We said nothing - not sure if it was just a quirk or her body getting ready... :wink:

The doctor asked her to wait for a month before coming back for more tests (she'd obviously noticed this as well :D ) Then the doctor got in touch asking her to do a hpt before coming for the appt. My sister refused - having done one after getting the last lot of results and getting a bfn. The doctor said she thought it may be a good idea herself a bfp - she was over 8 weeks :D
Wow 2 fantastic stories. Thanks!!
Oh come on. There must be more out there! :(
maybe this might be better to be moved in 1st tri?

Not moved - cos otherwise the ttc mums who don't go in there won't see it. How about posting on Tri boards and off topic to ask people to come and post :?
post the link in all the tri boards & Off topic sound like good idea
I'll tell you my story....

When i was 17 i was diagnosed with endometriosis, which to say the least didnt bother me at the time, i didnt want children and was to young to have a steady partner and was far more in love with my other love,..... horses! The endometriosis meant that my periods were almost unmanagable and incredibly painful, meaning i would have fits and pass out every month without fail due to the pain. My work even knew just to tuck me up under a blanket every time in the staff room to sleep it off until i felt better. The doctors answer was depo injections which were to be the end of my troubles. Excellent i thought no more periods and no more embarrasing fits, it sounded like the answer to my prayers! I took the injections for 4 years and although at no time was i told that the effects took a long time to wear off, i dont suppose it would have swayed me in any case as i was young and single. My periods stopped completely and it was sheer bliss. The torture of my monthly AF had gone, and i didnt care how. (in hindsight the reality of the situation was the pain was so bad that when i went into labour it was a doddle and not as painful as my periods!!!!)

Then i met my lovely (now husband) Ross, we decided to try for a baby a year or two after meeting. I knew it might be hard but didnt reckon that it would take one miscarriage and 2 years of TTC to get PG with Isla. Depo wrecks your system (after all it cant be normal to stop your periods however amazing the relief was for me) i came off the depo in Oct 2002 and by Oct 2003 hadn't had an AF. My AF's were always weird but they just werent coming back. I went to my GP who said to wait as it is known the Depo can take 2 years to get out your system. 18 months later nothing. I went back to the GP who this time put me on the list for an ultrasound for my ovaries to see if they were normal. I was so relieved that someone would tell me what was happening.

The ultrasound was awful not because of the results (they were great nothing wrong at all and 5 follicles in one ovary and 4 in the other) but i sat in a room full of people who were ALL pregnant and gloating over baby pics, at that point in time i was at my most bitter. It was heartbreaking and i cried all the way home, a mixture of relief at the scan results and anger and pain of being put in the same waiting room with all those ladies and bumps. I still feel sad i felt that way.

It seemed like everyone was against me which was silly, my best friend announced she'd fallen preg (by accident) and my husbands ex wife came round and announced her news too. My world was falling to pieces and i was loosing weight. The TTC took over my life, i charted temps, i took saliva chrystal samples i watched CM, i did the lot. Nothing worked.

We were admitted to the fertility department of Princess Anne hospital in Southampton for tests, all of which were embarrasing but clear for both of us. There was no medical reason for the troubles TTC, so why didnt it happen? It was decided that we would try clomid and then if that didnt work we would try IVF.

I started to relax knowing that we would soon have to magic drugs to work and get us a baby that i longed for. The morning of the next appointment loomed and i underwent a routine PG test to eliminate any chance of the drugs being in my system if there was any chance i was already pregnant......... you can guess the rest i had 2 DARK blue lines, the darkest blue lines infact that the doctor had ever seen, There was no disputing it i was pregnant!

I had a textbook prenancy and a perfect birth with no pain relief.
omg thats amazing how many weeks were u gone when u found out?
it must av been a pretty long time
Kelly you certain did go through hell but thankfully in your case it all worked out :D

My story - sorry its so long.
I was on the pill for years due to surprisingly enough painful periods. But I had terrible problems so after about 15 years decided enough was enough. It took my body about 2 yrs to get back to normal.

When I met DH in Feb 05 we decided very early on that we wanted to get married and have kids (in that order) so I decided I wasn't going to go back on the pill so I started using persona (poas) to work out my cycle and ov days as a preventive.

The week before we were travelling to Ireland for our wedding in April 06 I realised I was due to ov so suggested to DH we do a bit of bdancing just to get the practice :wink: anyway amazing enought on honeymoon I discovered I was pregnant I was totally dumbfounded. Unfortunately I lost that little bean at 7.5 weeks in May 06 and was totally devastated. The hardest part was having to ring my dad in Ireland and tell him I'd miscarried we had it all planned that we would travel over to Dublin to surprise my family our great news and it all fell apart.

Anyway it took AF 8 weeks to reappear and once it was finished we tried ttc in ernest. Every month got a bfn and DH was total dejected he was convinced we'd had our chance and lost it. So after bfn in November I uped the anti I was already taking the magic medicine but also stated to take junior asprin one a day and put DH on Zinc and on December 14 the day before DH's birthday and ironically AF was due I did a secret test and I couldn't believe our luck it was a BFP I was so excited but could say nothing cos I wanted to tell DH on his birthday so that night I wrapped the stick and put a bow on top and at midnight told DH he could have one present early. He was so happy. We were travelling to Ireland as well that weekend to see my family as we were having Christmas in the UK the timing couldn't have been better. I got to tell my dad and sister in person that I was pregnant it was fantastic. I'm now 29 weeks and couldn't be happier and can't wait for that day in August when I will finally meet my baby. :D
Great stories ladies, It just goes to show that there is hope out there for all you TTC, however hard it gets dont give up it will happen for you.

This is my story:
I was on the pill for about 4 months when i got together with Brian in January 2006. From the first day we started goin out we knew that we were in lvoe and we were 'the one' for each other, so we started talkin marriage and BABIES! We decided that once my next 'period' arrived i would just stop taking the pill, but we werent officially TTC it was just a case of if it happens it happens. Little did i know how involved you get with TTC, working out ovulation time, the two week wait :x , testing! The disappointment of getting BFNs every month was so hard to take, but i guess i had to wait for the pill to get out my system. Brian got more and more disheartend everytime as at that time he was 32 and thought that maybe he was too old to get me pregnant.

So a few months passed and by May I got my first BFP, we were so happy but really scared. we didnt go to the doctor straigh away as i wanted to wait until i had missed two periods to make doubly sure. However at 5/6 weeks i woke up one morning with a warm gush of liquid between my legs and i looked down and the bed was covered in dark blood. i knew from that second i had miscarried my baby. i went to the doctors and she confirmed i had miscarried. this was such a difficult time i would burst into tears all the time and Brian was devestated. we never told anyone apart from Brians boss (as he took time off work) and his dad as brian was really upset and he asked what was wrong.

We decided to wait until my next period returned and then try to start again. My next period had returned by 18th June (fathers day) and we started trying again. By the next month my period was late. brian didnt want me to test as he was too scared of it being a BFN. So when i was 3 days late Brian went off to work and i sneakily done a Preg test and i got a BFP :cheer: , i phoned Brian straight away and he was in shock.
We decided not to got to the doctors until 8 weeks again and not to tell anyone until 12 weeks uncase we miscarried again, it was hard to get excited at first but as the weeks when on we relaxed a bit more.
On 30th march 2007 i gave birth to my beautiful little girl and i wouldnt change her for the world.

I wish all you TTC's the best of luck please dont give up, one day it will happen for you all :hug: .
Aww those stories are lovely. Im so glad everything worked out for every one. :hug:
I didnt know where to post this but really wanted to tell people my mum and dads story.

My mum had a miscarriage with her 1st husband. a year later she found out she was pregnant with my sister. She was on the pill at the time and wasnt planning on having any kids. My sister was born and a few months later (while on the pill) she found out she was pregnant with me. Obviestly i was born fine :D When i was about 7 my mum said she stopped taking the pill and started TTC for baby #3.
They tried for over a year and nothing worked for them so they gave up trying. My dad told me a few days ago that he is really upset that they didnt try for longer as they both regret it.
It really is a matter of chance, my mum got pregnant twice while on the pill but couldnt get pregnant when she was off it :shock:

Dont give up and try and relax and we will all have our BFP soon
Aw thanks so much these a fantastic stories and bought tears to my eyes. It's so good to read such wonderful sucess stories I'm really getting a lot of hope out of them. Hopefully one day I'll be able to add my own :D :D
We started TTC in May06 and fell pregnant in Jan07 but sadly miscarried at 8 weeks. We then started TTC again a couple of months later and im now approaching 9 weeks pregnant :D Short and Sweet!

Extremely inspirational thread!!!!

In the past few weeks its amazing the amount of girls iv spoken to who have been round about my age that have been ttc for 2 years and worried they had fertility problems so got checked out and came back all clear then out of the blue have fallen pregnant.

Its 2 years in September for me TTC i just prey that its not too far away now.

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