

Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2007
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OMG :shock:

I think Caitlyn is teething, My friend could smell her urine in her nappy this morning, she'd only had it on a couple of hours it wasnt even half full. Then i could see her gums at the bottom were whitish, and her nappy yesterday, looked like her bum had exploded in it a dark green mess (sign of tummy ache?) and she been a bit dribbly recently too.

My baby is growing sooo quickly,
Phoebs has started teething too. My HV reckons it doesn't mean we'll see any teeth yet. I am sure I can now feel lumps that weren't there last week. We shall see.

I thought her dribbling was bad a few weeks ago - I was wrong :rotfl: She now spits mouthfuls out at a time!

Have just bought a couple of 'drybib bandana's' to see if that will save some of her outfits, she ends up soaked!
Yeah Calleigh i think is in the early stages of teething. Shoving her hand, toy or anything in her mouth and chomping, dribble everywhere. Little red cheeks, and a little grumpy.
Bought a teething necklace from paradysso's shop, so madam is currently wearing that to help :)

My Lo found his mouth, now all I hear is "slomp, chomp, slap, chomp, slop" him sucking and gobbling away at his fingers/hand!! Gums are white, and I can smell his pee from accross the room - I was begining to think that Huggies nappys were crap... but maybe its the toothy pegs vs smelly nappys.

Whats everyone going to use for it?! Bonjela? Powders?
We're using bonjela at the mo. I don't know if its coincidence but she did seem to calm down after I rubbed it on her gums the other day.

I also got one of the MAM first teething sets free (just had to pay P&P) so going to try the rabbit thing to rub on her gums.

Am interested in if the teething necklaces work!
Hi hun, yep, I think that Dan has started too. He's become a dribble monster over the past couple of weeks and it looks like a little peg may break through in the very near future. I have his amber teething beads now at hand :wink:
We have been waiting for about 4 months, and still haven't seen a tooth.

Right now we have the spitting up huge mouthfulls of dribble and the explosive nappies, but nothing else so not using anything right now. xxx
Wii.Fit.Queen. said:

Right now we have the spitting up huge mouthfulls of dribble and the explosive nappies, but nothing else so not using anything right now. xxx

Joe started to cut his first tooth age 4 months, while Grace was 6 months when her first tooth was cutting.
Evie has been dribbly and had bad nappies on and off since she was about 2 months old. We haven't got a tooth yet. Every couple of weeks she seems to become restless, wakeful, irritated, red cheeks, nappy rash etc...all the signs but still nothing has come through...

...except for the time a few weeks ago when I saw white...and I felt a sharp corner of a tooth on her bottom gum. She'd been really bad for a couple of days previous to this so I was relieved that finally something had come through and she could have some peace. The next morning the bloody thing had disappeared! I think the gum had covered it back over because I def felt it but it literally was just the very very very tip of a tooth
Our LO is dribbling too!

Sorry to be so daft but why do their nappies get smelly??? :think:
BabyMagic said:
Our LO is dribbling too!

Sorry to be so daft but why do their nappies get smelly??? :think:
i dont no :? just her urine pongs different

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