

Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2007
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Fynn has had a terrible day today ...his cheeks are bright red and very blotchy and he has a temp of 39 I dont know what the average temp should be) he feels so hot to touch him and he's so restless. His bottom gums are rock hard too.. he's normally asleep in bed by 6.30pm but he's still awake now wimpering. I feel so helpless for him. :cry:

Iv tryed calpol this morning, bonjela, ambusol, ashton and parsons and tonight the hard stuff came out...the medised and nothing seems to be soothing him! :(

Anyone else have any tips?? :think:
I was going to suggest let him suck on an ice cube but he's only 5mths - would he manage? Would he take a bottle of water with a cube of ice in it as the cold will soothe the gums :think:

I've never tried them but alot of people on here say the Era tablets are really good for teething :think:

Poor little mite. :hug:
just re-read you message and if he is 39 - he has a fever.... normal is 37. Try to keep him cool and if he doesnt settle I would maybe give NHS 24 a ring just to reassure yourself

:hug: :hug: :hug:
awww poor little mite! is he ok now? Glenn is teething too and his cheeks get really red, i use Nurofen, have you tried that?
Thanx SarahH...I did read your reply last night but didnt have chance to reply... I tryed the icecube, he wasnt having any of that.. I tryed a teething ring that i'd had in the freezer, he didnt want that either.. he seemed settled in my arms with a wet flannel on his head, but everytime I put him down he got all upset. So I sat up with him in my arms all night til hubby got up this morning and then I went back to bed for a couple of hours.

Today, he's soooo tired and restless and a bit whingy.. so iv given him some calpol and ambusol on his gums and have him layed here at the side of me on the sofa. His temp has gone down thankfully. Hubby is gonna get some era tablets today (I never heard of them before..But I'll try anything once).

xrachx, its awful isnt it.. hope Glenns ok! I havent tryed nurofen.. but we will sure be getting some today! :)

Thanx very much for your advice last night SarahH.. felt better knowing I wasnt on my own. :hug: I'd never felt so helpless in my life.
No prob hun, glad his temp has gone down... hope his teeth pop through real soon and he is back to his happy, smiley self!
Poor thing; hope he is ok!

New Era tablets are great! You can get them from Holland and Barratt.

Well Fynn had another awful day today... he's in sooo much pain! I didnt realise teething was sooo bloody awful!

His temp has gone right down and his cheeks are not so red and blotchy anymore, which I feel really pleased about, his temp was a real worry.

Iv had 2 smiles today so he must be feeling a bit better. Iv just given him his bottle and he's settled in bed, fingers crossed he stays there.

Hubby tryed to get some era tablets today, but couldnt get any (give a man a womans job eh :roll: ).. so I'll get some tomorrow.. I dont know anything about teething necklaces..so im gonna have a surf and read up on them.. I got my credit card at the ready to get one :D .

After the last few days, I will try anything... Thanx everyone so much for your advice :hug:
Aww poor thing it's awful seeing them suffer isn't it? Sorry I have no more advice than the others! :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Well, He's still asleep, so thats progress from the last couple of nights :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

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