Teething and calpol


Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2006
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Brody has been teething for ages now but over the last few days he has been in a lot of pain with it :(

I have given him calpol the last two nights at bedtime to calm him as this is when the pain seems at it's worst but it says on the box to see a doctor if given for more than 3 days! I feel a bit daft taking him to the doctors for teething pain!

We have also tried teething gels(he just licks it straight off :roll: )So I'm unsure what to give him! He won't have a dummy and won't keep a teething ring in his mouth! :wall:

Has anyone got any other suggestions? I don't know if to just give him the one dose of calpol whenever it gets really bad :think:

Thanks :hug:
I have the " New Era" teething tablets that disslove on the baby's tongue...
I found these really good as keeley would spit calpol out

You can get them from Holland & Barrarts i think they are £4.99 :D
Hope it helps :hug:
Nice one thanks! Haven't tried those! Will have a trip into town on Monday to get some!

Thanks Nic :hug:
I've not tried them myself but my sister swears by teething powders. I don't think there's a limit to how much you can use a day either. I could be wrong, I've not really had to worry about this yet. Austin's only very early teething and it doesn't bother him too much at the mo he just likes chewing on our knuckles!
:wave: hi chick,

i found calprofen better than calpol it worked quicker and lasted longer, :cheer:
i also used the powders ashten and something i think, it was from boots i didn't really see a difference tho. :roll:
i used to hold an unopened ice pop while she chewed on it too (not straight from frezzer tho waited a bit lol) xxx
Baby nurofen is excellent but I think you can only give it every now and then. Its suitable from 3 months and its always calmed Kate down a lot - she has cut 4 teeth now with relatively little fuss - I swear by it!
Thanks everyone! Will give your suggestions a try!

We tried those powders too but they didn't seem to make a difference! :(

Thanks again! :hug:
This was my question too jools. I have given calpol for several nights on and off as Fin was crying at bedtime for hours. I don't know how long this will last but I dread bedtimes now! Come on tooth! :roll:
mermaid said:
This was my question too jools. I have given calpol for several nights on and off as Fin was crying at bedtime for hours. I don't know how long this will last but I dread bedtimes now! Come on tooth! :roll:

Aww it breaks your heart to see them in pain doesn't it? :cry:

I hope they both come through soon but from what I've been told it can be anything up to 10 months! :shock:

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