Teeth Whitening


Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2006
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I know there are a million different toothpastes, kits and even toothbrushes now that claim they whiten your teeth, I'm just wondering if anyone has used any with really good results? Some of the kits seem quite expensive but if they work then there worth it type thing. I used to use a brush on gel stuff when I was in the States but they don't sell it here due to the bleaching content :roll: that did work but things like pearl drops don't seem to do a thing. Any ideas?
I read a review of them in a mag a while back and they reckonned arm and hammer whitening one so thats what I use. I dont give a dazzling white smile but I'd have to pay a lot of money at a cosmetic dentists for that :)
Ahhhh.... is this what the PM was about. Tell me the name andI'll get MIL to send it over and I can forward it to you!!
i brush my teeth with barcarbonate soda as well as toothpaste
it does get them white
it doesnt taste nice but its a cheap easy way :D
Oh that's the toothpaste PM, that gel stuff is "Colgate Simply White" it's about $6 (or was a few years ago when I was buying it, it might be cheaper now since it's older). I'd feel cheeky seeing if they'd send both!! :oops:
I'll speak to them over the weekend hun...

nah toothpastes dont work. i paid £400 for a home bleaching kit from the dentists last september, i did it once (and it was jolly painful btw!) then i found out i was pregnant now i'm not allowed to use it! :roll:
just from the one session it really made a difference tho. i'll definately resume the treatment as soon as i stop BFing. u can get interest-free credit too :)
I have thought about having a dentist do it professionally. My teeth are not bad, Mum seems to think they are white as snow but you know how critical we are of ourselves, I think the opposite! It's around the £200 marker per session with the dentist but when you look at some of the kits in boots at the £40 marker etc it might be worth the little extra just to have someone do it professionally. Going to Tesco this afternoon (exciting stuff but we don't have one for MILES around us so I enjoy going there instead of Sainsburys all the time) I'll see what they have too.
trixipaws said:
nah toothpastes dont work. i paid £400 for a home bleaching kit from the dentists last september, i did it once (and it was jolly painful btw!) then i found out i was pregnant now i'm not allowed to use it! :roll: just from the one session it really made a difference tho. i'll definately resume the treatment as soon as i stop BFing. u can get interest-free credit too :)

Out of curiosity what was your treatment/pack/kit called? TIA Xx
In fact, there's a ton of whitening stuff on ebay. I never thought to look there before.

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