Team Green Wobble!


Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2006
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I went shopping yesterday - mainly for clothes for me but also thought I would have a look for something for the baby.
I ended up buying 2 bibs. Thats it. This was my first real purchase for the baby. I had intended for buy some babygrows and a couple of other bits but couldnt find any cheap neutral stuff. I went to mothercare and saw some lovely outfits but they were £18. There was some much cheap stuff for boys or girls- especially in the next sale - I was really beginning to think I should find out the sex.
But I have come home and had a rethink - I can always go and get some nice stuff after the baby is born. The suprise is more important to me.

Has anyone else had a wobble - I really thought I would stick to my guns throughout.
I have had a bit of a wobble but decided to stick to team green. Figured it would be lovely to have my DH tell me the sex of our baby at the birth. Plus it will stop the MIL going completly crazy and buying out the whole of Mothercare!
Go to a car boot sale... there's usually a selection of new or almost new baby clothes and just buy some random ones, they are around 50p and you only need enough to cover two or three days till you can get to the shops and buy stuff for him/her....

try not to buy pink from the car boot though...cos you can put a girl in blue but you can't put a boy in pink... I did that with Tia because I didn't know her sex until she was born, well this baby will be wearing the same clothes...they've lasted 8 it was an absolute bargin.... :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
I've bought my whole babygrow and vest collection from carboots, bought it all thru the summer, all white and boring colours but we have picked up a few bargains, bought some brand new humphreys corner sleepsuits, growbag and babygrows all in packaging never been used came to 15 quid! and the grobag is 28 on its own! we've got snowsuits, sheets blackets, everything all from the carboot lol and a cot for a fiver! just need to get a mattress for it, there r normally some bargains in ur local newspaper too, i'm reluctant to do tht tho cos the stuff isnt normally brand new. cant wait to go shopping in february tho! i absolutely adore the next baby clothes so will probs spend my life in there for a few weeks lol
We had most of our stuff given to us but if I saw something really nice that happened to be blue, I bought it regardless for the same thinking that girl is ok in blue but not a boy in pink. It sounds silly but I actually think babies look really sweet in white, so it was fine with me when we only had neutrals for the first couple of weeks :)
i have to agree with Shell, babies look adorable in all white, it makes them look so innocent and more baby like.

We didnt know what Evie was for definate until i gave birth to her but as soon as all the grannies knew she was a girl they went mad at the shops and by the time she was home a day later she had loads of pink clothes, so i wouldnt worry about baby being in a neautral as some people probably wont buy you there gifts until baby is here. :D
MEEEEEEEEEEEE! I am VERY wobbly in my support of hubby wanting a surprise... maybe I'll find out when I go to Italy for Christmas and tell everybody there (so they can start giving me stuff! :wink: ) and tell nobody in UK...

...I'm undecided... :think:
the more people keep asking what sex it will be, the more im not wanting to find out!!!

I think ive converted to team green :D

everyone seems to think im having a boy anyway, dont know how they figure that out!!
I wobble a bit too, but now that time is passing much quicker im very excited about having a little surprise.
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

I never find out ...its such a great surprise
I feel weird about knowing almost supertitious about it.
Like it will jinx me somehow...i probably have o.c.d about it :rotfl:

Its so much fun going out when they are born and buying stuff, i love it.

Go team Green be strong don't wobble

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